GS Branch 23rd Division 1940 - June

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1st June 1940

23rd Division was, like many Divisions of the B.E.F., scattered almost at random in Camps across the UK.

2nd June 1940

Orders were received from South Western Area that the Division would concentrate at "M" Training Area. The detraining station would be LAUNCESTON while the tented camps at WILLSWORTHY and BRIDESTOWE would remain in the charge of the small rear parties of the General Construction Company, Royal Engineers, until taken over by the Division.

Lt COL Hare, the G.S.1, telegraphed joining instructions to the Commander Royal Artillery, 23 Division, for all Divisional and Brigade Staff Officers, Unit Commanders and Adjutants to report to LAUNCESTON forthwith, where the HQ would be established at 30, Church Street.

3rd June 1940

PENNYGILLAN CAMP was selected as the reception centre for all units of the Division. A message was received from South West Area to the effect that ...."no leave to personnel returned from the B.E.F. may be given while in the reception area but they may proceed on 48 hours pass at the discretion of Area or Reception Unit Commanders provided they do so all at their own expense and use public or private transport services".

4th June 1940

South West Area advised that a conference would be held at Area HQ at 12:00 hours on Tuesday 4th June and that a representative of the Division would attend. Col Gulland - A.A.Q.M.G. attended on behalf of the Division.

5th June 1940

Lt Col J Hare was appointed Brigadier - General Staff of II Corps and proceeded on 48 hours leave prior to taking up his new duties. Captain A E Hedley was appointed Town Major of LAUNCESTON.

In view of the shortage of tents and the number of men occupying PENNYGILLAN CAMP it was decided to move:-

HQ 70 Infantry Brigade

Royal Engineers



Divisional details

to SCARNE CROSS CAMP, leaving 69 Infantry Brigade, 186 Field Ambulance and 33 Field Hygiene Section occupying PENNYGILLAN CAMP.

6th June 1940

An order was sent to the two Brigades, together with the two motorcycle Battalions and Commander Royal Engineers that each unit would detail an "inlying picket" daily for duty every 24 hours - according to the size of the unit. Those detailed would not leave camp and would remain ready for action at short notice. Formations and units reforming in the area were ordered to organise Companies for Home Defence as available - progress to be reported to HQ. The role would also include local protection.

7th June 1940

Officers were reminded to carry their Identity Cards at all times, and Other Ranks were instructed to ensure they carried their Army Paybook - AB 64 - on their person as a substitute for an ID Card. Any loss of an AB 64 was to be reported immediately and units were expected to organise replacements. (The author has seen several examples of replacement AB 64s - including that of his late father, the original having been destroyed in a fire.)

8th June 1940

23rd Division Royal Engineers moved by buses from SCARNE CAMP to FORT SCREASDON near TREGANTLE. 23rd Division HQ moved to WERRINGTON PARK, LAUNCESTON.

9th June 1940

9 RNF were ordered to move to WERRINGTON PARK from SCARNE CAMP. 70 Infantry Brigade - less 1 Tyneside Scottish - moved to PLYMOUTH and located at the BALLARD INSTITUTE and MILLBAY SCHOOLS.

12th June 1940

70 Infantry Brigade including 10th and 11th Durham Light Infantry, moved from PLYMOUTH to the Showground at OKEHAMPTON.

13th June 1940

23rd Divisional HQ moved from WERRINGTON PARK to LYDFORD.

LYDFORD 15th June 1940

The War Diary contains the following extract taken from a War Office letter No 0144/7691 (S.D. 1. (b)) of 12th June 1940.

...."Territorial Divisions which have been to France will be amalgamated with their duplicate Divisions, the resulting Divisions taking the number of the original Division. This amalgamation will release a number of Infantry Brigades which will not be dispersed but will be retained as Independent Brigades for Home Defence without prejudice to their re-absorption in Divisions should these again be reconstituted.

As a result of this amalgamation certain HQ and diisional troops will become surplus. These units will be disbanded under instructions to be issued.

The 23rd and 50th Divisions to be known as the 50th Division will form in the North Wales area. The 50th Division will be completed in divisional troops."

At 11:30 hours that morning Major-General W Green C.B., D.S.O. Commander South West Area visited the HQ of 23rd (Northumbrian) Division and asked 23rd Division to take on the reception of B.E.F. units and personnel.

At 19:00 hours that evening Makor Allen, GSO II, proceeded to HQ South West Area to arrange details of reception camps at BRIDESTOWE, OAKHAMPTON, WERRINGTON PARK and LAUNCESTON.

LYDFORD 17th June 1940

The Division received the following Warning Order under W.O.T.P.M. r/1592 A.6.2.0. dated 16th June 1940.

...."It is the intention to bring all units of 23rd Division up to War Establishment. In some cases first reinforcements will be included. All moves of personnel will be ordered by the War Office and completed by 26th June 1940. Orders are being issued by Home Forces for details of 23rd Division left in UK to join their Division in the new Divisional Area. The reorganisation will be controlled by Divisional Commander and, where necessary, personnel will be loaned from one unit to another within the Division to assist in reorganisation. Additional officers are being detailed by the War Office. Personnel joining units will consist of those who have completed two or more months training. In case of units requiring large drafts, as many fully trained men as possible are being posted."

LYDFORD 18th June 1940

At 10:00 hours Advance Parties of 9 RNF were ordered to proceed to BRIDESTOWE CAMP.

At 11:00 hours Major Allen GSO II attended a conference at the Working Mens' Hall, Wilton Road, SALISBURY - the subjects discussed were Weapons Training, P.A.D. and Training Areas.

At 22:30 hours South West Area requested that one Company be detailed from 23rd Division for Special Duty (Guards over shipping) in PLYMOUTH. 69 Infantry Brigade were detailed to provide this Company for Wednesday 19th June. Detailed move arranged by South West Area.

LYDFORD 19th June 1940

At 18:45 hours Col Weekes M.C., T.D. reported for duty as A.D.M.S. 23rd Division.

At 19:00 hours South West Area rang to ask for a further guard of one Company to be detailed for PLYMOUTH.

LYDFORD 20th June 1940

At 18:30 hours Southern Command rang with instructions for the move of 69 Infantry Brigade, 233rd Field Company, Royal Engineers, the Light Aid Detachment and 186 Field Ambulance RAMC to BLANDFORD Area and to be transferred to the command of 50th (Northumbrian) Division.

At 22:00 hours Movement Control from Southern Command rang to request details of the entraining strengths of the 69 Brigade Group.

LYDFORD 21st June 1940

Instructions were issued for the relief of 6 GH at PLYMOUTH by two Companies of 9 RNF. One Company to report at DEVONPORT to the O.C. of 23rd Midland Heavy Regiment, Royal Artillery, RAGLAN Barracks, DEVONPORT.

Instructions were issued for the move of the 69 Brigade Group to the BLANDFORD area. Advance Parties of the Brigade Group moved as follows; HQ 69 Infantry Brigade to BOVINGTON, 6 GH to BOVINGTON, 5 EY to WYNBOURNE, 7 GH to BEER REGIS, 233 Field Company RE to BLANDFORD, 186 Field Ambulance RAMC to CHARLTON MARSHALL.

At 11:00 hours one Company of 9 RNF relieved one Company of 6 GH at PLYMOUTH. One company of 9 RNF were left for Guard and Shipping duties at DEVONPORT.

At 16:00 hours Col Gulland was ordered by telephone to report forthwith as A.A. and Q.M.G. GIBRALTAR.

LYDFORD 22nd June 1940

23rd (Northumbrian) Divisional Company was moved to LYDFORD from LAUNCESTON. The temporary RASC Supply Column of eight vehicles reported to 70 Infantry Brigade and the Field Hygiene Company was also moved to 70 Infantry Brigade. In wet and cloudy conditions the move of the 69 Brigade Group to 50th Division in the BLANDFORD area took place.

LYDFORD 24th June 194

An extract from a War Office letter No 0144/7691 (S.D.1 (b)) dated 22nd June 1940 reads as follows.

...."The amalgamation of Divisions will be carried out in accordance with the details outlined below;

Motorcycle Battalions will, for the present, be regarded as Army Troops.

50th Division

Royal Artillery - 124 Field Regiment from 23rd Division.

Royal Engineers - 233 Field Company from 23rd Division.

Infantry - 69 Infantry Brigade complete from 23rd Division.

Royal Army Medical Corps (wrongly shown in the War Diary as Service Corps)- 186 Field Ambulance from 23rd Division.

Royal Army Ordnance Corps - one Light Aid Detachment from 23rd Division."

LYDFORD 26th June 1940

A letter from the War Office reference U.P.T. No M.S.I. 6/4604 SMW dated 25th June 1940 states that...."Major R.L.K.Allen, Royal Welch Fusiliers, at present GSO II 23rd Division has been selected for the appointment of D.A.A.G. 46th Division. Please instruct him to report to HQ 46th Division, High Elms, Upper Park, Victoria Park, MANCHESTER on Thursday June 27th to assume the duties of the appointment."

LYDFORD 27th June 1940

A letter from South West Area reference 28980/11A/G dated 26th June 1940 states;

...."Two Companies of 9 RNF now finding guards in PLYMOUTH Co-ordinated Area will be relieved by two Companies of 70th Infantry Brigade on 27th June. Details of the relief to be arranged mutually between 70th Infantry Brigade and O.C. Troops PLYMOUTH."

LYDFORD 28th June 1940

At 11:30 hours Major R.L.K. Allen GSO II left HQ 23rd Division to take up appointment as D.A.A.G. 46th Division.

LYDFORD 29th June 1940

At 10:00 hours Major R. Trenam D.A.Q.M.G. 23rd Division left HQ 23rd Division to take up appointment as D.A.Q.M.G. 50th Division.

At 11:00 hours HQ Southern Command was informed that HQ 23rd Division will be closing down at LYDFORD on Sunday 30th June 1940. All troops now under command of 23rd Division will come under South West Area from midnight 30th June/1st July.

One Staff Officer, Major G.M.Long D.A.A.G. will be attached to South West Area temporarily to deal with any outstanding correspondence in connection with the Division.

The War Diary was signed off on 30th June 1940 by Major General W.N.Herbert C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.

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