187 Field Ambulance - War Diary February 1942

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187th Field Ambulance War Diary – February 1942

1st February 1942 Velindre 09:00 hours – C of E Church Parade. 14:00 hours – Staff Captain, 70th Infantry Brigade, visited unit. 2nd February 1942 09:30 hours – Inspected Rifle Range used by the Home Guard at NEWCASTLE EMLYN – arrangements made for the range to be used by the unit. Captain McGowan left for ALDERSHOT to attend a month’s P.T. Course. 3rd February 1942 Lieut Col Mcnamara returned from leave and on his return found that Captain Smith had proceeded on leave from 5th February. The constant lack of Officers is very detrimental to training. Considerable progress has been made with decentralisation and Companies all have their own Office. Concentration is on such things as map reading and route marching. Captain McGowan went on a month’s Course on P.T. at ALDERSHOT. 8th February 1942 10:00 hours – Lt Col Mcnamara proceeded on Senior Officers’ Gas Course at Fort Tregantle, Cornwall. 13th February 1942 16:00 hours – Lt Col Mcnamara RAMC returned from Gas School. This was a most excellent Course and brings one right up to date and, though one is told nothing new, a different aspect is put on gas warfare. Most units such as this have taught too much theory and too little attention has been paid to practice. 17th February 1942 10:00 hours – Captain Lintott left to act as Medical Officer to 10th DLI instead of Captain ?Duncan who has proceeded on compassionate leave. Captain Mashiter returned from Mule Course and the remainder of his disembarkation leave. 18th February 1942 10:00 hours – Have started a short series of lectures for NCO’s. The general idea is that all NCO’s must be capable of teaching ? the gas essentials e.g. examination of gas limited to choking, blistering, lachrymatory, Respirator Drill, Decontamination, personal ? ? , Duties of gas sentries, Care of Respirators, Unit equipment. All lectures are intended to be practical. All NCO’s to be passed out and a book kept. Major Browne left for 10 days’ leave and Captain Smith has been admitted to hospital – thus the old lack of Officers goes on. 19th February 1942 10:00 hours – Training continued – good progress on the gas which is being practised on every route march. Have also started considerable training in Map Reading by sending out a few numbers under an NCO to map references and meeting at points ? ? Captain Cates who returned fro leave had to go at once to 11th DLI to relieve Captain ? who was sick. Have one Staff Sergeant ? at Mule Course ? ? Now that unit going to PONTYPOOL for Training on Pack Transport but no news as to what part RASC play in this time. Establishment is completely different from present one, however letter for me ? Definitive teaching on organisation is expected soon. 24th February 1942 10:00 hours – Route March over somewhat hilly country. Sixteen and a half miles – most stood up to this pretty well but cannot let ? ? ? Captain Mashiter went on compassionate leave and Captain Smith is still on sick leave. Captain Hanlan, ADC, has returned from LLANELLY and I am putting him in charge of A Company – he is a very good Officer and will help a great deal. 26th February 1942 20:00 hours – Polish Medical Officer Lt W?? attached to unit arrived and was attached to B Company. 28th February 1942 20:00 hours – Lt ? arrived to join the unit – attached to A Company.

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