10th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, War Diary February 1942

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For a more complete picture of activity this War Diary should be read in conjunction with the 70th Infantry Brigade War Diary for the same month.

1st February 1942

The C.O. held a conference.

Checks of kit continued after the return from Iceland and the disembarkation leave period.

An Air Raid Alert was sounded covering the period from 19:30 hours to 20:55 hours.

2nd February 1942

The R.S. M. held a parade.

A Company carried out a Route March.

Air Raid Alerts were again in force from 02:30 hours to 02:50 hours , and again from 18:00 hours to 18:20 hours.

The first Leave Party departed for a nine days’ leave.

3rd February 1942

The C.O. held a Drill Parade in the morning and them H.Q. Company carried out a Route March.

4th February 1942

The whole Battalion went on a Route March from 09:00 to 16:00 hours.

7th February 1942

C.Os. Parades were held in the morning while, during the week, a Battalion Dental Inspection was carried out.

8th February 1942

A further Air Raid Alert was in force from 02:05 hours to 03:00 hours.

The Battalion sat the War Office Intelligence Test.

9th February 1942

The second Leave Party left.

Reveille was altered to be sounded at 06:30 hours to allow for the fact that Route Marches and Schemes were being organised on an all-day basis.

The Battalion Intelligence Section commenced preparation of a Cloth Model of the Training Area for the use of the C.O.

An Air Raid Alert was in force from 19:05 to 19:30 hours.

11th February 1942

The Advance Party left for PONTYPOOL, preparatory to the move of the Battalion.

An Air Raid Alert was in force from 14:15 to 14:30 hours.

The first Leave Party arrived back at PEMBROKE DOCK.

12th February 1942

An Air Raid Alert was in force from 21:55 to 22:25 hours.

The R.A.F. Squadron (presumably that based at PEMBROKE DOCK and operating Sunderland Flying Boats) held a Dance in the Barracks Gymnasium and it was well patronised by the men of the Battalion.

13th February 1942

The day was spent in general preparation for the move to PONTYPOOL.

14th February 1942

The Battalion moved to PONTYPOOL by Special Trains. H.Q., A and C Companies were split up in different billets around the town. B abd D Companies were three miles out at GRIFFITHSTOWN.

16th February 1942

Pack mule training commenced for all personnel. Morning and afternoon parades were organised so as to be compatible with ordinary duties.

This week saw a continuous spell of very cold, frosty weather, with occasional snow.

21st February 1942

The Battalion paraded for its first rehearsal of mule packing, followed by a short march with Platoon kit loaded.

23rd February 1942

A week’s course for Company Runners organised by the Battalion Intelligence Section commenced.

Some of the overage personnel left the Battalion.

Company marches and schemes with pack mules took place during the week.

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