War Diary - CRA - June 1941

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3 June 1941

One 40mm Bofors Gun moved from CORBETT CAMP to EFFESEY ISLAND. In action 12:15 hours.

Four 3.7” Anti-aircraft guns off-loaded SICILIAN PRINCE.

4 June 1941

143 Field firing.

5 June 1941

Detachment 52 Light Anti-aircraft Battery fired at Sleeve at KALDADARNES.

6 June 1941

Royal Artillery Iceland Force Training Instruction No.3 issued with Appendices. (No copy filed with the War Diary).

Section 3.7” Anti-aircraft guns in action HVAMMSVIK (making eight 3.7” guns for protection of Naval Anchorage HVALFJORD). 366 Field Battery personnel arrived in Iceland.

14 June 1941

40mm Bofors firing at HVALFJORD testing tracer ammunition.

Royal Artillery Iceland Force Operation Order No 11 issued. (Copy filed with the War Diary – for details see below).

19 June 1941

Four 3.7” Anti-aircraft guns and 366 Field Battery guns and vehicles arrive on S.S. TIBA.

20 June 1941

“A” Troop 386 Field Battery moved to SAURBAER – in action same day, for support of Battalion allotted for protection of HVALFJORDUR area.

22 June 1941

12 Anti-Aircraft Regiment beat 160 Field Ambulance in Final of Force Inter-unit Rugger Competition, 6 points to nil.

28 June 1941

4 Heavy Anti-aircraft Battery calibrated for fuze factor at 18.000 feet.

143 Field Regiment provided 1st and 2nd home in Force Cross-Country race – 5 miles.

30 June 1941

Royal Artillery Iceland Force Operation Instruction No 4 (revised) issued. (No copy filed with the War Diary).

Appendices and attachments to the June 1941 War Diary for Iceland Force Commander, Royal Artillery.

Royal Artillery Iceland Force Operation Order No 11 dated 19 June 1941.

This was a single page document regarding the arrival and deployment of the eight 25pdr guns of 366 Field Battery in Iceland.

366 Field Battery were instructed to relieve “A” Troop of 386 Field Battery at BALDURSHAGI.

“A” Troop of 386 Field Battery would then move and take up position at SAURBAER (Map reference 255244).

The responsibility for taking over guns and vehicles and preparing for the hand-over of camp and defences at BALDURSHAGI (reference 293033) lay with the Officer Commanding 143 Field Regiment Royal Artillery.

The Officer Commanding 143 Field Regiment was also responsible for ensuring that the roles laid down in Iceland Force Operation Instruction No 49 were assumed as soon as possible and for informing the Headquarters of the Commander, Royal Artillery, 147 Infantry Brigade and 70 Infantry Brigade of the hour at which each role is assumed.

The document was copied to the various Headquarters affected – a total of 10 copies including spares, and was signed by the Brigade Major Royal Artillery.

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