289th Field Park Company, Royal Engineers, War Diary September 1943

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1 September 1943 Mauchline.

20:30 hours. Night march and digging exercise.

1879156 admitted Eastkelbridge Hospital 30 Aug 43.

1884613 discharged Drymen Hospital 30 Aug 43.

Strength increase - 1876704 posted to War Establishment of this Company, ex school of Military Engineering, Technical Training Wing.

2 September 1943

14351322 discharged Ballochmyle E.M.S. Hospital.

2001622 discharged Gartloch Military Hospital.

3 September 1943

2003220 admitted 160 Field Ambulance C.R.S. (?Corps Rest Service, ? Casualty Reception Section).

4 September 1943

3977342 admitted Ballochmyle E.M.S. Hospital.

6 September 1943

Lt P R Arthur 235602 returned from privilege leave.

Strength increase – 14388537, 11414793 posted to War Establishment of this Company ex 2 (Postings) D.B.R.E.

14291058 remustered from Pioneer B III to Welder (Acetylene) B III with effect from 1st August 43.

14213363 remustered from Pioneer (Sawyer) B III to Pioneer (Sawyer) B III with effect from 1 Aug 43 and from Pioneer (Sawyer) B III to Plumber and Pipefitter B III with effect from 1 Aug 43.

16:30 hours. General training for week. Drill, Weapon Training, Knots and Lashings, Cross Country Run won by HQ Platoon.

7 – 13 September 1943 This page has suffered from yet a further example of blurred photography at The National Archives, probably due to the pace at which the researcher was trying to capture the hundreds of images being taken. Unfortunately it is unreadable.

14 September 1943

2077906 to Mossbank Detention Barracks to serve 14 days’ sentence.

Increase in strength – 14385495 posted to War Establishment of this Company from 88 Field Company, R.E.

Bailey bridge Equipment and FBE (Folding Boat Equipment) at Irvine Moor handed over to 91 Field Company, R.E.

15 September 1943

Strength decrease – 2083923 posted to 3 TBRE.

Strength increase – 2161541 posted to War Establishment of this Company ex 554 Field Company R.E.

Strength decrease – 2074556 posted to “Y” List.

Course of Instruction 2003223 attended Course of Instruction in Motor Transport Accounting and Storekeeping at G Branch, Training Establishment, RAOC. Result Q2 (18/31 Aug 43).

19 September 1943

11:00 hours. Company Church Parade.

20 September 1943

2121135 proceeds on Course of Instruction in Pay Duties, Scottish Command Pay Duties School.

1942578 returned from attachment to 757 Field Company R.E.

2195131 attached to 757 Field Company, R.E.

Company employed on works – no training.

22 September 1943

Strength Increase – 10538637 posted to War Establishment of this Company ex Administrative Battalion, Army Catering Corps.

23 September 1943

Strength increase – 2120675 posted to War Establishment of this Unit ex 1052 Port Maintenance Company R.E.

14250072 transferred Ballochmyle Hospital to 110 Military Convalescent Depot – Glengorse (?Glencorse).

1881936 admitted Drymen Hospital.

25 September 1943

2121135 returned from Course of Instruction in Pay Duties as Scottish Command Pay Duties School – Result Q1.

28 September 1943

Strength increase – 14529366 posted to War Establishment of this Company ex A Company 2 (Posting) D.B.R.E.

1891429 discharged Hairmyres Hospital.

1881936 discharged Drymen Hospital.

Company employed on works. No training during week.

29 September 1943

Strength decrease – 14250072 posted to “Y” List.

30 September 1943

2073840 remustered Pioneer B II with effect from 15 Sept 43.

14213363 remustered Pioneer B III with effect from 15 Sept 43.

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