11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry War Diary September 1943

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11th Battalion Durham Light Infantry War Diary September 1943

1st September 1943 HAMILTON.

C Company began a three-day Company Group Exercise.

D Company were carrying out Platoon attack schemes.

HQ Company was swimming at HAMILTON Baths.

2nd September 1943

Battalion individual training continued with B and D Companies doing night schemes.

3rd September 1943

The Officers’ Day was devoted to a discussion on the problems of an assault landing. The discussion was preceded by two short lectures given by Major Boucher who had attended the Divisional Cloth Model Exercise PINWE.

4th September 1943

The day was spent on Battalion administration, following the RSM’s Drill Parade.

A Brigade Weapon Training Cadre was run by staff from the Small Arms School at Hythe and was attended by ten instructor NCOs from the Battalion.

6th September 1943

A and S Companies proceeded on leave except for small maintenance parties.

7th September 1943

B Company was on the “Plains” Range.

D Company was on the “Detchmont” Range.

C Company marched out to the Training Area for a three-day scheme.

8th – 11th September 1943

This period was devoted to training on a Platoon basis owing to the large numbers on leave. As the Battalion was allotted an extra P.T. Sergeant, emphasis was laid on swimming instruction and the P.E. Test.

9th September 1943

A Composite Company was formed from C and B Companies to carry out training for two days in co-operation with two Troops of Sherman Tanks. The first day was spent in lectures and practical demonstrations on the capabilities of the Tank. The majority of the men had an opportunity to travel inside a Tank and appreciate for themselves the Tank Commander’s problems. The second day was spent doing Platoon and Company attacks on the Roberton Law feature – South East of LESMAHAGO.

At 22:00 hours a night driving exercise was held in which all unit transport with the exception of Carriers and Duty Transport took part. The exercise was directed by Captain P.A. Johnson and afforded valuable practice to group commanders (Colour Sergeants), drivers and Provost staff.

13th September 1943

The Battalion Hythe Weapon Training Cadre began. It was of three days’ duration and instruction was given to twenty NCOs on the PIAT, Sten and the sniper rifle.

16th September 1943

Battalion Exercise “DARVEL” took place. This was a Company Group Scheme laid on by Battalion HQ. It was done by two Composite Companies – A Company in the morning, reinforced by B Company, and C Company in the afternoon, reinforced by D Company. Originally it had been hoped to run this as an Artillery co-operation exercise but as the gunners had to cry off at the last minute, the scheme was modified and mortars were used instead.

17th September 1943

Mr Henderson of Glasgow University gave a lecture to the Battalion on current affairs, with special emphasis on the Italian situation.

18th September 1943

The Anti-Tank Platoon were at Barry Range.

20th September 1943

A new class for Carrier reserve personnel began.

21st September 1943

A Company completed their P.E. Tests.

C Company were on the DETCHMONT Range.

22nd September 1943

Battalion worked on administration in preparation for Exercise “CONTACT 70”.

23rd September 1943

The Battalion convoy left HAMILTON at 11:00 hours for the journey to the concentration area.

At 13:30 hours the convoy met Captain P.A. Johnson who was in command of the Harbouring Party.

At 17:30 hours the Brigade Commander gave orders for a night convoy journey to the new harbouring area in the neighbourhood of HAMILTON, East Kilbride.

At 22:00 hours the Battalion Column left the concentration area for the new location. The rain made the road surface treacherous and a bomb diversion caused some dislocation. However, by 07:00 hours on 24th September the Battalion was concentrated in the new area. Vehicle casualties were one Carrier (ditched) and the Signals Stores Truck (puncture). By midday 24th September these had both been recovered.

24th September 1943

At 07:00 breakfast was available and replenishment supplies of petrol etc had arrived from A2 Echelon.

At 10:00 hours the advance towards the River CLYDE began with 10th DLI acting as Advance Guard to the Brigade.

At 14:00 hours 10th DLI made contact with enemy elements sufficiently strong to make a Battalion attack necessary. Use was made of the newly formed bicycle Companies. This attack was judged successful and 11th DLI were pushed through to become Advance Guard.

At 17:00 hours the Officer Commanding 11th DLI ordered a Battalion attack on the feature Crosshill. While the attack was put in the Adjutant and Officer Commanding HQ Company moved the Battalion transport and the RASC 3-tonners to a wooded harbour at LIPPIE.

At 19:00 hours an Advance Battalion HQ was established at a small farm at reference 375971. The night was spent co-ordinating defences and digging in. A Platoon of D Company was allotted for the defence and protection of Battalion HQ.

25th September 1943

At 05:00 hours breakfast and petrol were brought up to the Battalion positions while it was still dark.

When it became daylight sentries were posted and rest was organised. Movement was cut down to a minimum.

At 12:00 hours Orders were received that the Scheme was ended and that trenches were to be filled in.

At 15:00 hours the Battalion Column arrived back in HAMILTON. Exercise “CONTACT” had as its chief objectives:-

To practise the Brigade in its future role as Reserve Brigade in an Assault Division.

To practise organising a satisfactory chain of supplies. The Brigade ran its own system of supply points for food, petrol and ammunition and a Field Post-Office was set up.

Unfortunately there was a shortage of Umpires and it was a dull exercise for the troops.

27th September 1943

Preparations began for a move to a new Camp at AUCHINRAITH, Blantyre. Advance Parties took over accommodation. Major C.D. Hamilton took over command of the unit.

28th September 1943

Cleaning of new Camp and move of stores.

29th September 1943

The Battalion moves to AUCHINRAITH Camp and Battalion HQ was established in the new location.

30th September 1943

A CO’s marching out inspection was held and the day was spent settling in to the new Camp.

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