1st Tyneside Scottish June 1941

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1st Battalion Tyneside Scottish War Diary June 1941

2nd June 1941 A Company (commanded by Major McGregor) with a Section of Carriers, a detachment of Mortars and an O Group, set off for 7 days’ route march and tactical exercises in the PINGVELLIR area. The exercises covered; the Company in the attack, Field Firing, attacking Armoured Fighting Vehicles, Reconnaissance Patrols and a withdrawal. (This pattern of activity was repeated later by other Companies as set out below). 4th June 1941 The Iceland Force football competition was won by the Battalion – 3 goals to 2 in the final against 11th DLI. The G.o.C. was present and each member of the team received a pencil as a prize. 8th June 1941 A Company returned from their route march, having covered 36 miles in 14 hours. 9th June 1941 The second leave part returned and the fourth leave party left, consisting of 1 Officer and 34 Other Ranks. 9th – 16th June 1941 The Reconnaissance Platoon camped out at map reference 480954 and carried out reconnaissance patrols and field firing exercises for the whole of that week. 10th June 1941 A Company took over the GROTTA area – C Company (Captain Walton) returning to SKIPTON as the Reserve Company. 11th June 1941 B Company (Captain Chudleigh) set off on the PINGVELLIR exercises as described above. 12th June 1941 A Ceremonial Parade was held to celebrate the King’s Birthday at the REYKJAVIK Stadium. The Battalion was represented by Major McGregor, Captain Walton, the Pipe Band and 68 Other Ranks. The Salute was taken by the G.o.C. 15th – 27th June 1941 The Battalion again supplied working parties for airfield work at VATNSMYRI Aerodrome. The afternoon shift of 4 Officers and 140 Other Ranks worked from 13:30 to 22:00, plus allocating six 30cwt trucks and drivers from the Battalion. 16th June 1941 B Company came back from their route march – again, covering 36 miles in 14 hours. 18th June 1941 C Company (Captain Walton) set off on the PINGVELLIR Exercise. 23rd June 1941 The third Leave Party returned from the UK. 24th June 1941 The fifth Leave Party left for UK. C Company returned from their route march (no specific mention was made of time and distance covered on the return journey on this occasion). 25th June 1941 In a change of postings, C Company (possibly only one Platoon) under the command of 2 /Lt Keith took over the DOCKS area. D Company (Captain DUNN M.C.) returned to SKIPTON Camp as the Reserve Company. 26th June 1941 D Company (Captain Dunn) set off for the PINGVELLIR exercises for seven days. (It was not clear which sub-unit was looking after the Reserve Company duties and commitments while they were away). 28th June 1941 The Battalion team came fifth in the Iceland Force Cross Country Run - over a distance of 5 ¼ miles. The Reconnaissance Platoon carried out training in the use and management of Icelandic horses.

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