Reed Charles Lt 98144
Personnel Entry
Name Reed Charles
Army number 98144
Rank Lt
Date of birth Not yet known.
Age 0
Unit Durham Light Infantry - Commissioned as 2/Lt 9th Bn 25/10/1916, Trf TA Reserve 4/9/1920, Relinquished Commission 30/9/1921 on completion of service, retaining rank, Lt TA Reserve NDC 24/8/1939, Posted 13th Bn DLI December 1939. Left by 20/12/1941. Posted Home Guard 1942. Relinquished Commission on age grounds 22/9/1945 as Hon Captain
Company/Battery 41st National Defence Company
Platoon or other sub-unit H Company 41st Group NDC as at 3/9/1939
Task or role Adjutant 14/8/1941
Joined Brigade 3/9/1939
Promotions Lt 25/4/1918, A/Captain 14/8/1941, T/Captain 14/11/1941.
Prisoner of War
Died/Killed in action Not yet known.
Home address No family information as yet.
Source table