Blagdon Sidney Cpl 4454404

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Personnel Entry

Cpl Blagdon's headstone.
Cpl Blagdon's headstone.

Name Blagdon Sidney
Army number 4454404
Rank Cpl
Date of birth Born County Durham 1912/13.
Age 32
Unit Joined The Durham Light Infantry, no enlistment date, but probably early 1939. Posted ? 8th Bn DLI. Posted 11th Bn DLI - probably September 1939. Served ? BEF. Served Iceland. Served Normandy. DIED of WOUNDS 3/3/1945 sustained while with 11th Bn DLI.
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role
Joined Brigade Probably 1/9/1939.
Prisoner of War
Died/Killed in action 03-Mar-45
Home address Resident of Durham City. Son of George and Mary Helen Blagdon, husband of Hermione Blagdon, Durham. Died of wounds, Authority: 104-91 (SW 610) (SW 612) in Gartlock Hospital, Nr Glasgow. Buried Grave 82. Sec 1. RC. Belmont Cemetery.
Source table 11DLI