Murden William R. Cpl 4458357
From 70 Brigade
Personnel Entry
Name Murden William R.
Army number 4458357
Rank Cpl
Date of birth Not yet known.
Age 0
Unit Durham Light Infantry - enlistment date not yet known exactly. Posted 11th Bn DLI. Posted 70th Brigade HQ. Served Iceland. Discharged under King's Regulations 1940 Para 390 (xvi) 21/9/1942.
Company/Battery Brigade Headquarters.
Platoon or other sub-unit Brigade Headquarters Mess.
Task or role Mess Corporal.
Joined Brigade Exact date not known, but before 1/1/1941.
Prisoner of War
Died/Killed in action Date of death not yet known.
Home address No family information as yet.
Source table 11DLI