Maughan Gilfrid James 2/Lt 300340
Personnel Entry
Name Maughan Gilfrid James
Army number 300340
Rank 2/Lt
Decorations MiD 20/3/1945. OBE Birthday Honours List 1968. For record of decorations see here.
Date of birth 1924.
Age 0
Unit Emergency Commission Durham Light Infantry 20/11/1943, Attached Green Howards, Posted 11th Bn GH, Posted 10th Bn DLI 17/1/1944, Authority: Forcedly Two 3/2512 AG2(1) dated 7/1/1944, Posted 6th Bn DLI Sept 1944, No 4 ITC. Regular Commission DLI 5/7/1947 as Lieutenant with seniority. Placed on Special List 5/1/1974. Retired 5/1/1979.
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role Duty Officer
Joined Brigade 17-Jan-44
Promotions Lt 20/5/1944, T/Capt 1/5/1945, Captain 15/1/1951. Major 5/1/1958. Lt Colonel 19/8/1965.
Prisoner of War
Died/Killed in action
Home address Married Lydie Rombaut 7/6/1953, Brussels, Belgium.
Source table 10DLI