Pennal E C Gunner 4450331

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Personnel Entry

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Name Pennal Edward Cooper
Army number 4450331
Rank Gunner
Date of birth
Unit Enlisted in The Durham Light Infantry - date not known. Posted to 7th Battalion. Discharged 9/12/1936 as services no longer required on the re-organisation of the TA, under War Office Letter 9/AA/54/AG1 dated 14/4/1936, on the conversion of 7th Battalion. Re-enlisted in the Royal Artillery - TA - Field. Posted to 125th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. Transferred to South Staffordshire Regiment and posted to 10th (Pioneer) Battalion 26/3/1940.
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role
Joined Brigade
Prisoner of War
Died/Killed in action
Home address
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