178th Field Regiment War Diary - March 1942.
1 March 1942 CRESSELLY.
19:30 hours. Major D F Wells RA, 2/Lt J R Douglas RA and rest of Road Party arrived at Cresselly after march from Launceston.
2 March 1942
18:00 hours. Part of road party under 2/Lt Y A Dannreuther RA who, owing to the accident which occurred on 28.2.1942 were unable to proceed by road, arrived at Cresselly by rail to Kilgetty and thence by transport.
Lt (QM) B G Marsh RA arrived at Cresselly with Rear Party from Launceston.
4 March 1942
08:15 hours. The C.O. Lt Col. L Rushworth-Ward M.C. RA proceeded on a course of instruction at Larkhill.
16:00 hours. Captain Richards RA of 126 (N) Field Regiment RA brought 9 15cwt trucks and 12 L.U.’s (? Light Utility vehicles) to 178th Field Regiment at Cresselly, transferred from 126(N) Field regiment to 178th Field Regiment RA. These were all in very bad condition.
9 March 1942
An Inquest was held at CHELTENHAM to inquire into the death of L/Bdr McInnes. Major D F Wells RA and 2/Lt C W Coulsey RA attended. A verdict of “Accidental Death” was returned with a rider to the effect that the design of the brakes on Guy Quads should be investigated.
08:15 hours. Captain H A A Baird RA went to Scotland to investigate the condition of 366 Field Battery equipment returned from ICELAND ( C). Lt A C Wallace RA left for CARDIFF with two complete gun detachments to take part in a combined operation under Commodore, Combined Operations.
11 March 1942
10:00 hours. Lieut R Vipond RA joined 178th Field Regiment RA from 1st Reserve Field Regiment, and interposted to 366 Field Battery RA.
12 March 1942
11:00 hours. The Regiment was visited by Brigadier Kirkup, Commander 70th Infantry Brigade.
14 March 1942
11:00 hours. The Regiment was visited by Major General Money M.C. G.o.C. South Western District.
17 March 1942
20:00 hours. Lt. Col. L Rushworth-Ward M.C. RA returned from course of instruction.
18 March 1942
19:30 hours. Advance Party of 122 Field Battery RA arrived at PICTON from LISKEARD. Advance Party commanded by Captain G F Clarke RA.
19 March 1942
09:00 hours. Advance Party 122 Field Battery RA went from PICTON to VELINDR where the Battery is to be located until PICTON accommodation is ready.
23 March 1942
10:00 hours. Court of Enquiry presided over by Lt.Col. F W Sandars M.C. 10th DLI assembled at CRESSELLY to enquire into the circumstances of the accident which occurred to the Road Party on 28.2.42.
24 March 1942
09:00 hours. Main Body 122 Field Battery RA under command Major V Gerstenberg RA left LISKEARD for VELINDRE by road.
26 March 1942
19:30 hours. Main Body 122 Field Battery RA arrived complete at VELINDRE.
27 March 1942
11:00 hours. Regiment was visited by Brigadier Barry and Major Rogers, Brigadier Royal Artillery and Brigade Major Royal Artillery, Western Command.
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