178th Field Regiment War Diary - April 1942.

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1 April 1942 CRESSELLY.

178th Field Regiment RA came under direct command of Carmarthen Sub-Area.

4 April 1942

2/Lt J H James RA and 2/Lt D E Walker RA joined 178th Field Regiment RA from 121st OCTU and were interposted to 366 and 122 Field Batteries RA respectively. Lt B V Smith RA joined from 3rd Field Training Regiment RA and was interposted to 516 Field Battery, RA.

11 April 1942

122 Field Battery RA moved from VELINDRE to quarters at PICTON PARK.

20 April 1942

Lt Col L Rushworth-Ward M.C. RA, Commanding Officer, Captain R H Simpson RA, Adjutant, Captain H A A Baird RA, Battery Captain 366 Field Battery RA, attended a series of lectures at CHESTER organised by Western Command on “Battle Drill”.

27 April 1942

178th Field Regiment RA moved to Sennybridge Practice Camp for course of shooting and calibration. Convoy left CRESSELLY at 08:15 hours and after bivouacking near LLANDILO and cooking midday meal, arrived at Sennybridge at 16:30 hours.

See Operation Order No. 7 attached to the War Diary as an Appendix.

28 April 1942

366 Field Battery RA course shooting.

29 April 1942

All Batteries, calibration. Captain J W Smith RA posted to 79th Field Regiment RA.

30 April 1942

516 and 122 Field Batteries RA, course shooting.

The weather was fine during the month with a short cold spell at the end.

Appendices attached to the April 1942 War Diary.

Operation Order No. 7 dated 22.4.42 – Orders for the Main Body.

This four-page document contained the Orders for the move to Sennybridge Practice Camp on 27th April. The Regiment was to move in column of route (non-tactical), with a bivouac planned for midday at which the meal would be cooked – in Golden Grove.

The order of march and the timings for passing the start line were set out with the usual speed, density and distance setting information. Traffic Control was the responsibility of Section Officer on motorcycles. An Advance Party was detailed for the bivouac, including Cooks, Officers’ servants and the Water Cart.

An armed Rear Party drawn from 322 and 516 Batteries – a Sergeant and 10 men each – was to remain at PICTON.

Appendix A to the document set out the detailed road route – including a river crossing at Carmarthen.

Appendix B to the document set out the administrative arrangements at Sennybridge. Safety Officers were to be identified and would be briefed on arrival. The Regiment was to maintain a Main Camp Guard and a Fire Picquet.

Timings of the opening of the NAAFI Dry and Wet Canteens were set out. The Salvation Army Hut had the same business hours as the Dry Canteen. Warrant Officers and NCO’s above Lance Sergeant were not permitted to use the Wet Canteen. – those more senior NCO’s were permitted to use the Depot Battery Sergeants’ Mess.

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