507th Field Company, Royal Engineers War Diary May 1940

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In view of the complexity of the War Diary for this crucial month in the Brigade's existence it is recommended that the Diaries for each of the Units concerned are read alongside each other, so as to form as accurate a picture as possible of what was a confusing few weeks. The entries are kept in date order and, where clarity would be helped, the reader is referred to parallel entries from other Units. It is suggested that the Diary for the 23rd Division is read first, followed by that for the Brigade HQ and then the Infantry Battalions and Engineer Companies. There is a considerable amount of material to cover, especially as Units were in many cases broken into small parties and served as part of temporary groupings, such as Petreforce. The author has tried to be as faithful as possible to the original documents.

The citation for Major Kenneth McKenzie CAMERON’s Distinguished Service Order was gazetted on 11th July 1940 and can be found in The National Archives file reference WO 373/15 Piece number 7926. Major Cameron (Royal Engineers) was the Commanding Officer of 507th Field Company Royal Engineers.

The citation reads as follows:-

“On 19/5/40 on the Canal du Nord was responsible for the demolition of 9 bridges. Showed conspicuous courage and disregard of personal safety while supervising the work. The excellent work done by 507 Fd Coy RE between 14/5/40 and 31/5/40 was entirely due to the courage, cheerfulness and ability of this officer, who inspired all ranks under his command by his qualities as a leader”.

The recommendation was put forward by Lt Col Kennedy, Commander Royal Engineers, 23rd (Northumbrian) Division.

The citation for 2/Lt Laurance EDGAR's award of the Military Cross is contained within the Awards and Decorations file at the Public Record Office under the reference WO 373/16 and can be found at item number 426.

It reads as follows:-

"On 19th May 1940 at SAINS 2/Lt Edgar completed a demolition under machine-gun fire from two enemy tanks showing great coolness and courage. After his party had retired he went forward alone to complete a second small demolition which had failed owing to damage by enemy shell fire. On this and numerous other occasions this officer's qualities of leadership courage and cheerfulness were an inspiration to all who came in contact with him". The recommendation for the award came from Lt Col J.M.KENNEDY,Commander Royal Engineers of the 23rd (Northumbrian) Division.

The citation in respect of Sergeant James Septimus HUSKISSON’s Distinguished Conduct Medal was gazetted on 11th July 1940 and can be found in The National Archives file reference WO 373/15 Piece number 7948. 2214892 Sgt Huskisson was a member of 507 Field Company, Royal Engineers.

The citation reads as follows:-

“At the Canal du Nord on the 18th/19th May 1940 the Coy was destroying bridges under very trying conditions owing to enemy action. Sgt HUSKISSON by his leadership, cheerfulness, courage and technical ability, inspired his section to great efforts and in one case by rapid action retrieved a failure and successfully blew his bridge in the face of the enemy”.

The recommendation was made by the Major commanding 507 Field Company, Royal Engineers and endorsed by Lt Col Kennedy, Commander Royal Engineers of 23rd (Northumbrian) Division.

The citation for Driver John HOPPER’s Military Medal was gazetted on 11th July 1940 and can be found within The National Archives file reference WO 373/15 Piece 7917. 2074680 Driver Hopper was a Despatch Rider with 507 Field Company Royal Engineers.

The citation reads as follows:-

This DR worked constantly under all forms of fire between 14/5/40 and 30/5/40 his courage and cheerfulness being beyond praise. At SAINT HOMBLIN on 23/5/40 he set out to find a bridge reconnaissance party at WATTEN and was twice fired on by enemy tanks. Each time he escaped under fire and finally reached his objective.

The recommendation was put forward by the Lt Col Kennedy Commander Royal Engineers 23rd (Northumbrian) Division.

The citation for Driver William DOBSON’s Military Medal was gazetted on 11th July 1940 and can be found within The National Archives file reference WO 373/15 Piece 7935. 2091628 Driver Dobson was a Despatch Rider with 507 Field Company Royal Engineers.

The citation reads as follows:-

As Despatch Rider he regularly and without fail got his messages through, regardless of danger and with complete cheerfulness in spite of enemy attacks and lack of sleep. On two occasions his machine crashed due to aerial attack but he nevertheless procured another and got the message through safely. The principal actions involved were at the Canal du Nord 18/19 May and in Bergues on 26th May 1940 but at all times his convoy work and despatch riding were excellent.

The recommendation was put forward by the Major Commanding 507 Field Company Royal Engineers.

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