Geldart P Bombardier 919804

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Personnel Entry

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Name Geldart P
Army number 919804
Rank Bombardier (some records show Gunner).
Date of birth
Unit Enlisted in the Royal Artillery. Posted to 125th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. To Fire Fighting Course ALDERSHOT 5/2/1940. Converted to 125th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery. Recovered from Japanese PoW Camp.
Company/Battery 294 Battery.
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role
Joined Brigade
Promotions Apparent reduction in rank to Gunner.
Prisoner of War Yes. Captured Singapore 15/2/1942.
Died/Killed in action
Home address No family information as yet.
Source table

There is the possibility that there are two soldiers with this name - or that there is a duplication within the supporting records. Bombardier Geldart was identified from the War Diary, whereas the list of those recovered from captivity shows Gunner Geldart. The suggestion made above is that at some stage he was demoted but this needs to be verified.