10th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, War Diary February 1940
3rd February 1940
“A” Company assumed the duties of Civil Defence Company.
As a result of severe weather conditions the use of rail passage for leave was postponed.
10th February 1940
“B” Company assumed the duties of Civil Defence Company.
11th February 1940
Lt. Col. P.B. Robinson relinquished command of the Battalion.
12th February 1940
Lt Col C.D. Marley took over as Battalion Commander.
17th February 1940
During the absence on leave of Brigadier P. Kirkup, Lt.Col. Marley assumed command of the Brigade until 19th February 1940.
18th February 1940
“C” Company assumed the duties of Civil Defence Company.
19th February 1940
10th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, now conformed, as regards Service Dress Regulations, to those laid down for the corps of the Durham Light Infantry. (No information is given as to how or why the Battalion was regarded as previously deficient – this may have had something to do with the change in headdress mentioned in the previous month’s War Diary, with the change from SD to Forage Caps as standard).
24th February 1940
“D” Company assumed the duties of Civil Defence Company.
26th February 1940
The Inter-Company Football Competition began.
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