2nd Battalion Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment
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Battalion War Diary
Because of the nature and organisational structure of this Battalion, and others of this kind, it is not unusual to find War Diaries being maintained at Company, as well as Battalion, level. In this transcription, therefore, the Battalion Headquarters Diary appears first, followed by the Company Diaries - where they exist - in alphabetical order of Companies. Not all Diaries have an entry for every day. Inevitably this approach can result in some duplication of the description of events but the author believes that it is better to have some repetition than to have these important documents omitted.
Where the Diaries are in manuscript form words or phrases which are unclear have been replaced by question marks. Any reader who could clarify what the entry should be is encouraged to contact the researchers, using the e-mail link at the foot of the page.
2nd Battalion, Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment War Diary 1941
2nd Battalion, Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment War Diary 1942
2nd Battalion, Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment War Diary 1943
2nd Battalion, Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment War Diary 1944
Personnel Records for 2nd Kensingtons
As the lead researcher has not had access to any Enlistment Books for this Battalion, the names have all been abstracted from the War Diary in the first instance, and therefore were predominantly those of Officers at the initial stage. Those readers who had relatives serving in the Battalion would be more than welcome to submit their names and details for inclusion in this list. If more information is gathered the full Memorial Page will be set up for each man in the same way as for the men in the Infantry Battalions. Thanks to the advice of the Enquiry staff at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission a search of their database has been done to produce a list of those casualties who were serving in the Regiment at the time of their deaths. Those men have now been added to the personnel list although details of their deaths are apparently not available, unless they are mentioned specifically in the War Diary.
Adams L/Sgt
Alexander Adam John Watson 2/Lt 165993
Alexander Bernard Percy Joseph Private 6214326
Allen Cpl
Archer R Lt
Asker J 2/Lt
Aston Lt
Attrill Kenneth William Lt 170479
Ayres Sgt
Ayscough E S M Major
Ballard Captain 92780
Bamber Lt
Bare Reginald George Captain 142757
Barter Pte
Barton T A Captain
Baskerville Cpl
Bass Sgt
Baxter Sgt
Bayard Lt
Beech H T Captain
Beggie S Lt
Beloe R G Captain 94852
Bendit J Lt
Bennett M Pte 6857040
Best J Pte 6204414
Bestall F Pte 14202505
Biggs L/Cpl
Birtwistle Lt
Bishop Pte
Blakely W A Lt (QM)
Bond Cpl
Bower Pte
Boyle J Pte 6212930
Brake 2/Lt
Braybrook E J 2/Lt
Breckill C/Sgt
Bridges Sgt
Brisley L/Sgt
Brittain Major
Brock C V 2/Lt
Brock D V G Lt-Col
Brooker Sgt
Brookis R F 2/Lt
Brown G Pte 7606912
Bruce Edward Macaulay Lt 113936
Bryan-Brown John Willoughby 2/Lt 180660
Bulkeley Owen Richard John Pte 6213025
Bulleid Leonard George Henry L/Sgt 6214329
Bund Sgt
Burke Cpl
Bursey Douglas F Lt CDN 439
Burton Sgt
Burton T A Captain
Burwell Sgt
Burwood A L/Sgt 877583
Bushnell C Pte 14411338
Bushnell Frank Sidney Corporal 14217899
Cadle H L/Sgt 7537459
Calland Cpl
Cannon Rex John 2/Lt 145601
Carrad D B 2/Lt
Carter L/Sgt
Carver P Pte
Chapman C Pte
Child R Pte 6107517
Clark Cpl
Clayden John Gordon Hewlitt 2/Lt 278560
Clifford Cpl
Clilverd Albert Private
Coffey D A 2/Lt
Cohne Pte
Cole-Powney 2/Lt
Collins P Pte 6213375
Collyer M Pte 14215485
Conway J Pte 14431737
Cowlard Pte
Cox Pte
Cresswell Cpl
Creswell Sgt
Culling George Lewis Private 6205344
Curnock Sgt
Curtis J Pte 6207257
Cutforth John Ashlin 2/Lt 184788
D'Abo R.E.N. Major 40867
Daly Philip Leonard 2/Lt 204410
Dartnell Pte
Davis Peter Joseph Pte 0
Davis R Pte 6104876
Davis S J 2/Lt
Day Pte
Dawkins J Pte 6216998
Dillon Herbert R Private 6209472
Douet C P Lt
Draper Kenneth Thomas 2/Lt 200345
Drury Pte
Dudley E G Lt
Dunan Cpl
Dunn H Pte 6107761
Durbin H Sgt
Durrant Pte
Edgar R W Pte 6216333
Edwards Frederick Private 6340467
Edwards J Pte 6300469
Edwards Peter Francis 2/Lt 200346
Elliot W Sgt 7619665
Elliott Pte
Etherington E L/Sgt 6207828
Evans Cpl
Evans Lloyd Wilmot 2/Lt 303047
Fane D Lt
Farndale Cpl
Felstead Cpl
Feltham Henry Richard Private 6204457
Fenwick A A H Lt 91176
Ferguson Major 41131
Field L/Cpl
Fielding Pte
Fishman D Pte 6211559
Fiske Colin Avis 2/Lt 200347
Flenley Leslie Private 6216965
Ford Frederick Davis Private 6209970
Fossey Pte
Foster J Pte
France Thomas Henry Private 14436408
Frary Ernest John Lt 200348
Fulcher Geoffrey David 2/Lt 204411
Galt A R Lt
George A Cpl 6213089
Gibson J Cpl 6212876
Gilbert Walter Charles Private 6208559
Gilkes R Pte 14241953
Gough Sgt
Gray T A/Sgt 6203498
Graydon A Cpl 6210632
Green B I 2/Lt
Green R F Lt
Greenfield Sgt
Greenway Phillip Neville Randolph Sergeant 6207869
Gregg Sgt 0
Greville P E 2/Lt
Griffiths J 2/Lt
Griggs Pte
Grimes W Pte 6405623
Grisbrook E Pte 62067999
Hale P Sgt 6207057
Halstead Lt
Harley L/Cpl
Hart A Pte 6208568
Haskell CSM
Hassall Hubert Harold Private 14669064
Heasman R Pte 6210401
Helder 2/Lt
Heuston L/Sgt
Hilburn Martin Ronald Sergeant 6207032
Hilsdon Walter James 2/Lt 255742
Hird William Donald Lance Corporal 6013078
Hobbs Stanley Brian 2/Lt 303052
Hodge Sgt
Holland George Tom Marshall Sergeant 6208202
Hollingsworth H Pte 6210361
Hope L/Cpl
Hornett G Cpl 5951837
Howell R Pte 6212346
Hughes Captain
Hulbert L C Lt
Hunt C A 2/Lt
Innes 2/Lt
Jacobs R Sgt 6200795
Jacobson S Lt 158865
Jennings R A 2/Lt
Jewsbury Sgt
Johnson Pte 2nd Kensingtons
Johnson Sidney Wilfred Private 6206269
Johnson V de P C 2/Lt
Johnston J Pte 142176042
Jones B P 2/Lt
Jones Iorwerth Glyndwr Private 6208585
Jones John Arthur Private 6213519
Jones Leonard Howson Lieutenant 276395
Joseph E 2/Lt
Kennedy D 2/Lt
King H Pte 6203493
King 2/Lt
Knight 2/Lt
Lamno Sgt
Laugharne Pte
Laverick Averson Private 6212058
Lawrie W P 2/Lt
Lealand Pte
Lightman 2/Lt
Long Pte
Lovibond A L Lt 121930
Madden L/Cpl
McCormack S I
McCormick Harold Private 4125834
McKie Lawrence CSM
McNulty Henry Pte 14633009
Mellon Pte
Messer A Pte 6854470
Miller Lt
Mills C W Captain
Milner Maurice George 2/Lt 255800
Minns Charles Thomas Pte 6207265
Minster Cpl
Moody R Cpl 6207195
Monks Alban Donovan Sergeant 6207280
Morgan Sgt
Mortimer L/Sgt
Mowbray F 2/Lt
Musselwhite Cyril Comyn Major 525
Naunton Sgt
Newing Norman Douglas Private 14407504
Newton Stanley Maurice Sergeant
Nicol William Quinn 2/Lt 268189
Nicol J L/Sgt 6202461
Nightingale N G 2/Lt
Norris Thomas Pte 14617787
Oakley Jack 0
O'Rourke J Pte 14622244
O'Sullivan Arthur Leonard Victor Private 6204830
Packham Cpl
Palmer M Captain 97001
Palmer Pte
Parker Richard 0
Parrott Alfred George Private 6209144
Partoon R Private 4627090
Patston John William Private 6212817
Pattison G D A/Major
Peachey C D K 2/Lt
Perry G Pte 6214574
Perry Ronald Francis William Private 6216392
Petch J Pte 6213727
Pharoah Cpl
Pharoah F Sgt 6207645
Phillips Sgt
Pinks S R 2/Lt
Pope G Pte 6216235
Powell John Edward 2/Lt 204435
Prescott Robert Kenneth 2/Lt 204436
Pritchard D 2/Lt
Pritchard Reginald Frederick James Private 6206803
Procter Arthur Francis Captain 97588
Purdy R Pte 6215385
Raworth W Cpl 6207679
Read Sgt
Reay Sgt
Reay Cyril James Lieutenant 288763
Redfern L/Cpl
Rees-Watkins Cpl
Robertson CSM
Rogers H J 2/Lt
Rose C L/Cpl 6204408
Rosen Sgt
Ross A E 2/Lt
Rouse C Pte 6211384
Rowley J R 2/Lt
Russell Sgt
Sayers J F 2/Lt
Scott Cpl
Sewell Cecil Hersey 2/Lt 180675
Shave D Pte 14410346
Shene D Pte
Sherwood Cyril George Private 5338970
Sidey Cyril Spencer Private 6208428
Siegler CSM
Sigall Cpl
Sheppard T 2/Lt
Smee David Sydney 2/Lt 204439
Smith CSM
Smith W L/Cpl 6107104
Smith Henry Thomas Pte 832206
Smith Pte SB
Spencer-Cooper Lt
Standing S Pte 14404867
Stanyer J T 2/Lt
Stoltenhoff Herbert William 2/Lt 303065
Stone Cpl
Strawson I A 2/Lt
Such A J W Lt
Sutherland Sgt
Swann Sidney George Pte 6107514
Tait Frederick Private 6921096
Taylor Pte
Taylor Cpl
Taylor L/Sgt
Taylor R H CSM
Tees 2/Lt
Thomas Douglas Arnold Lt 97346
Thornhill R N 2/Lt
Townsend Lt Col
Tulley Pte
Tweedy Lt
Tyer T M Lt
Tyson Victor Reginald Corporal 6207100
Udall A Pte 6293126
Ursell 2/Lt
Vaughan A J 2/Lt
Wacey Cpl
Wakeford Sgt
Walker Pte
Wallace J Pte 14414614
Wallace John Penman Lance Corporal 6213630
Walsh T B Lt
Walton F Pte 4616498
Ward W 2/Lt
Warland E Pte 14412277
Warner J P F E 2/Lt
Wasley Pte
Watson L A Pte
Waymark Sgt
Whipps Pte
Wigg R Cpl
Wightman J W W 2/Lt
Wilcox Cpl
Wilkes L 2/Lt 200350
Williams E R Pte 621633
Willmore Cpl
Wilmot J E Lt
Wilson D B 2/Lt
Wilson McGregor John Private 6207074
Wilson 2/Lt
Worton J B Major
Wightman J W W 2/Lt
Williams Pte
Williams-Treffgarne 2/Lt
Wills Leslie Pte 6207854
Wood G Sgt
Wood William James (Jack) Private 14280667
Woodworth Pte
Wray Alistair Captain 90942
Wright Charles James Private 6205520
Wright D J 2/Lt
Wright Frank William Corporal 6211602
Wynne L/Cpl
Zimmerman 2/Lt
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