Bowers James REME Captain 173891
Personnel Entry
Name Bowers James
Army number 173891
Rank W/S Captain
Date of birth Not yet known.
Unit Commissioned into the Royal Army Ordnance Corps as a Lt 3/3/1941 (gazetted 13/5/1941). Transferred to the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers as a Lieutenant 1/10/1942 (gazetted 24/11/1942). Posted to 70 Brigade Workshops 24/3/1943. Posted to 100 Company, REME 2/11/1943. Posted to T.A.R.O. - date not yet known. Ceases to have a T.A.R.O. commitment 1/6/1957 - retained honorary rank of Captain.
Company/Battery 70 Brigade Workshops.
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role E.M.E. (and possibly Second in Command).
Joined Brigade
Promotions From Emergency Commission to be Lieutenant 28/8/1947, retaining seniority (gazetted 6/2/1948). From Active List to be Lieutenant 22/11/1950 (gazetted 29/6/1951) retaining seniority and the honorary rank of Captain.
Wounded Not as far as is known.
Prisoner of War Not as far as is known.
Died/Killed in action Date of death not yet known.
Home address No family information as yet.
Source table
The common nature of this man's name hindered the identification of him from genealogical records - family help would be most welcome.