Godfrey John Henry Pte. 4692727
Personnel Entry
Name Godfrey John Henry
Army number 4692727
Rank Private.
Decorations None known beyond Service Awards.
Date of birth Born 22/11/1918.
Age 75 at the time of his death.
Unit Enlisted in the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, date not known. (Enlistment Books missing). Transferred to The Durham Light Infantry 18/4/1940. Posted to the 10th Battalion DLI. Served in Northern France with the B.E.F. Taken Prisoner of War 21/5/1940 - notification received 12/7/1940. Escaped 2/4/1943 - recaptured after three days. Repatriated to the UK. Relegated to the Class Z Army Reserve 3/6/1946. Demobilised.
Company/Battery Not yet known.
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role Probably Rifleman.
Joined Brigade 18-Apr-40
Promotions None known.
Wounded Not as far as is known.
Prisoner of War Yes - Camps Number 20A - Thorn - June 1940 - October 1940 and 20B - Marienburg - October 1940 - February 1945. PoW Number 6766.
Died/Killed in action Died at Bristol in April 1994 aged 75.
Home address Worked as a Coal Miner. Father John Henry Godfrey 1893 - 1974. Mother Margaret Howard 1893 - 1972. Married Elsie Marsh (1926 - 1991) January 1946 at Barnsley. Lived at 15 Turner Street, Great Houghton, Near Barnsley.
Source table 10DLI