Lyell Alan Lt 254619

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Personnel Entry

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Name Lyell Alan
Army number 254619
Rank Lt
Date of birth 04-Nov-17
Age 0
Unit Royal Army Medical Corps - Emergency Commission Lt 5/12/1942, Posted 187 Fd Ambulance 3/1/1943, Attached 11th Bn Durham Light Infantry 6/3/1944, Wounded.
Company/Battery Bn HQ
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role Medical Officer
Joined Brigade 03-Jan-43
Promotions Captain 5/12/1943
Wounded 19/8/1944
Prisoner of War
Died/Killed in action
Home address Educated Repton and Pembroke College Cambridge. St Thomas's Hospital (MB ChB 1942). 349 Great West Rd Aberdeen. Consulting Dermatologist, Aberdeen.
Source table 187F