Stewart Brian Thomas Webster Lt 235384
Personnel Entry
Name Stewart Brian Thomas Webster
Army number 235384
Rank Captain
Date of birth 1922 - exact date not yet known.
Age 0
Unit Emergency Commission from OCTU as 2/Lt in the Black Watch 6/6/1942, Posted 1 TS 6/6/1942. Normandy. Wounded at Rauray. Posted Liverpool Scottish. Worked in Civil Affairs Malaya (Refugees and Displaced Persons).
Company/Battery Support Company.
Platoon or other sub-unit Anti-Tank Platoon.
Task or role 2 i/c of Platoon. Brigade Anti-Tank Officer with Liverpool Scottish.
Joined Brigade 6/6/1942.
Promotions W/S Lt 6/12/42, W/S Captain.
Wounded 1/7/1944 with 1 TS.
Prisoner of War
Died/Killed in action 16/8/2015 at home aged 93 - Broich, Crieff.
Home address 72, Roods, Kirriemuir, Angus. Penang, Malaya. c/o Union Bank of Scotland, Kirriemuir, Angus. Broich, Crieff. Married Q2 1972, Kensington - Spouse Sally Scarlett - reference 5 c 1673. Father of Rory Stewart M.P. Hon Lecturer Hong Kong University 1986 - 1998.
Source table 1TS
For an article regarding his diplomatic career please clickhere.
For access to an Oral History interview held by the Archives of Singapore, please click here.