Williams John Henry Sapper
Personnel Entry
Name Williams John Henry
Army number 4207560.
Rank Sapper.
Decorations None known beyond Service Awards.
Date of birth 18/2/1909.
Age 73 at the time of his death.
Unit Enlisted in the Royal Welch Fusiliers on 11/12/1940 at Wrexham. Underwent Basic Training. Transferred to the Royal Engineers. Posted to the 756th Field Company. Served Normandy. Discharged December 1945.
Company/Battery 756th Field Company.
Platoon or other sub-unit
Task or role Sapper.
Joined Brigade Not yet known.
Promotions None known.
Wounded Not as far as is known.
Prisoner of War Not as far as is known.
Died/Killed in action Date of death 19/8/1992 - registered at Welshpool Montgomeryshire.
Home address Father Stephen Williams, mother Margaret Stephens. Married Cathrine Gwendoline Richards. Lived at Cefn Wifed Bungalow, Tregynon, Newton, Mid Wales (Now Powys).
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