11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry (11 DLI)

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Unit Details

Name: 11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry
Abbreviation: 11 DLI


As described here in the context of how the Brigade was raised, the 11th Battalion was created as a duplicate of the 8th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, which traditionally recruited in the Durham and Chester-le-Street areas. As planned by the Government, the increased recruitment, aimed at doubling the size of the Territorial Army had been underway for some time. Therefore the process of separating the two Battalions was done fairly quickly. Indeed, one 11th Battalion Veteran stated that..."One Drill night we turned up and were told to stand on one side of the Drill Hall, or the other. Those on one side stayed in the 8th - the other side of the Hall became the 11th. It was no more scientific than that".

However, it must have been slightly more organised, as the majority of trained soldiers were to remain with the 8th, as 151st Brigade was due to go to France relatively shortly, so the 11th was filled largely with recruits, supported by a number of "old soldiers" and enough NCOs to complete the requirement for Sergeants and Section Corporals. My late father had only been in the 8th Battalion since 2nd May 1939, so was not yet a fully "trained soldier" though, because of his skill set, found himself posted immediately to Brigade HQ in Chester-le-Street as Brigadier Kirkup's driver. When I asked him how come he had been selected for this role he explained that; firstly, he could read and write, secondly, having been a Boy Scout, had good map reading skills, thirdly, had been driving for some years (even though he was only just 19 years of age) and, fourthly, was regarded as a "smart soldier" in terms of his appearance. He often emphasised that initial recruit training ensured that a young soldier knew how to keep himself, and his clothing and equipment, clean and neat - a benefit which lasted those young men all their lives.

Once, when delivering a talk on the Brigade in Bishop Auckland I infuriated the ladies in the audience by stating that these men were convinced that, as a result of their recruit training (a feature which continues even today) they could iron shirts far better than their wives, and could still do so, even if they were not often given the opportunity. Thankfully the old soldiers in the audience backed me up!

Wikipedia History

The Wikipedia page on the DLI includes reference to the 11th Battalion and can be found here.

Battalion War Diary

11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry War Diary 1939

11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry War Diary 1940

11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry War Diary 1941

11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry War Diary 1942

11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry War Diary 1943

11th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry War Diary 1944

Personnel Records for 11 DLI

Aaron Herbert Pte 14589474
Abberley Harry Arthur Pte 6296279
Abbott Cpl 0
Adam Samuel Stepney Pte 4458536
Adams George Alfred Pte. 4454720
Adams John Henry L /Cpl 4454704
Adams John Robert Pte 4454407
Adamson William Bloomfield Pte 4455440
Addy George Pte 4459626
Agnew Robert Pte 3133789
Albrighton Thomas William L/Cpl 4456161
Alderson E. Pte 4459284
Alexander Francis Pte 3133992
Allan Harry Atkinson Pte. 4459337
Allan John Pte 3133935
Allan Joseph Curran Pte. 4459338
Allcorn Dennis Victor L/Cpl 4457102
Allen Sgt 0
Allison Thomas Pte 3133966
Alward Charles William 2/Lt 180308
Amos Alfred George Pte 3452325
Anderson Pte 0
Anderson A L/Cpl 4468454
Anderson Andrew Pte 3133745
Anderson Leslie Pte 4273538
Anderson Richard Saunders Pte 3134020
Anderson William Pte 3133848
Anderson William Gordon Pte 4455276
Andrew James Pte 3133967
Angus John Pte 4454656
Anstey Fred Pte 4458082
Archer George Pte 4459289
Arckless John Edward Sgt 4450998
Armes George William Pte 4457141
Armory William Pte 4460955
Armstrong John Pte. 4455510
Armstrong John Kelly Pte 3133726
Armstrong Norman Maitland Pte 3452519
Armstrong Thomas Pte 3452447
Armstrong Thomas Charlton Pte. 4455672
Armstrong Thomas William Pte 3452520
Arnold Cyrilo Frederick Pte 4459555
Arnold William Henry Pte 4459554
Ashcroft Robert Pte 14206363
Ashworth Dixon Lynn Pte 4453213
Ashworth Robert Rutter Cpl 4451564
Askew John Pte 4458367
Askwith George Raymond Pte. 4456157
Atchison Robert Edward Pte. 4459288
Atherton James Kenneth Pte 4457143
Atkinson Isaac Pte 4455940
Atkinson John Sgt 4263589
Atkinson Noel Pte. 4454734
Austin Norris Cpl 4455267
Austin Robert Edward Pte 4452687
Ayre William (A.) Henry Sgt 4448409
Bagnall John Robert Pte 4455503
Bailes Douglas H. Pte 4457096
Bailey Alfred Moses Cpl 4447360
Bailey George Alan Pte 14206395
Bailey Thomas Anderson C/Sgt 4448789
Baines Arthur Liddle Pte 4450147
Baird Edward L /Cpl 4447074
Baker Albert Edward Richard Pte 4459341
Baker Charles Talbot Lieutenant (Canloan) 62
Ball George Fenwick Pte. 4459293
Balmer Henry Lewis Sgt 4454630
Bamber Gordon William Pte. 4458466
Bamber Stanley Joseph Pte. 4458465
Banks D S S Pte 14424883
Banks Thomas Pte 4458440
Banks William Naylor Pte 4445664
Bansall Ian Aitken Lieutenant 137292
Barbour Andrew Pte 3133790
Barclay John Pte 3134023
Barclay Robert Shaw Pte 3133907
Barker Stephen Sgt 4450706
Barkham Geoffrey George Arnold 2/Lt 132294
Barlow Andrew Douglas 2/Lt 258710
Barnes Allan Pte 4457138
Barnes Francis George Major 149460
Barnsley Ronald Pte 4458067
Barrass Henry Defty Pte. 4452616
Barrass Robert Pte 4459343
Barrett Thomas Edward Pte 5342407
Barrie Alexander Pte 3133968
Barston John Pte 4458491
Bates William Pte. 4458352
Bates Robert Pte 4274526
Batey William Pte. 4459290
Batty Ernest Pte 4458073
Bauchop Thomas Pte 3133747
Beardmore Ernest Pte 4459941
Bearham Eric John Pte 6017626
Beckett George G. Pte 4455246
Bedford John W/Lt CDN 127
Bedingfield John James Pte 4462377
Bedlington Frederick Thomas Pte. 4452911
Beggs David Pte 3133729
Belford J. Lt (Canloan) 127
Bell Harry L /Cpl 4452867
Bell J.W. Pte 7602464
Bell John Sgt 4444502
Bell John James Pte 4448764
Bell Matthew Pte 4459294
Bell Wilfred Ronald Lt 138941
Bellwood G. C/Sgt 4688026
Benfold Ernest Pte. 4456150
Benson Edgar Thomas Pte 5339141
Bentham William Pte. 4449446
Beresford Frank Pte 4455515
Beresford Thomas Pte 4452689
Betts Magnus Kenneth Cpl 4457095
Beveridge Norman Sgt 4456148
Biggans William McLeod Pte 3133877
Bills Acting L/Sgt 0
Birtley John Lynn Pte. 4459291
Black Alexander Leonard Captain 135663
Black George Pte 4459204
Black Ronald 2/Lt 320848
Blackbird Ronald Tinsey (?Tingey) Pte 4456111
Blackburn Benjamin Pte 4459345
Blackburn Ernest Pte 3452334
Blackely John Pte 3133820
Blackett Douglas 2/Lt 92758
Blackshaw Herbert Leo Pte 4459082
Blagdon Joseph Pte 4455528
Blagdon Sydney Cpl 4454404
Blair George Henry L/Cpl 3133742
Blair James Pte 3133849
Blair T Pte 14421452
Blair William Leroyd Pte 4386813
Blakeman Victor Pte 4458469
Blaney Matthew Pte 3133937
Blench Thomas William Pte 4454645
Blenkinsopp Thomas Cpl 4452610
Boddy James CSM 4445637
Boldison Thomas Pte 3133599
Bolton Frank Pte 4455673
Bonner Joseph Pte 4455828
Bonnett Michael Pte 14206187
Borland William Pte 3133821
Boucher James Allan Major 140026
Bourchier Hugh Plunket 2/Lt 149061
Bowe Daniel Creston Pte. 4458447
Bower Alan Hauxwell Pte 4458697
Bowes John Pte 4455829
Bowes John Laing Pte 3133750
Bowman Edward Pte 3133938
Bowman Sydney Pte 4269935
Boyd Robert Brown Pte 3133822
Boyes Fred Pte 4263266
Bradley CSM 0
Bradley Alfred Joseph C /Sgt 4454354
Bradley Caleb Pte 4459535
Bradley George Pte 5336384
Bradley Thomas CSM 4444838
Bradley William Pte 4460921
Bradshaw John James Pte 4459346
Bragan John Frederick Evelyn Clarence Pte 4455678
Bramall George Turner Pte 4458088
Bramwell John Lt/Col 16100
Brayshay Jack Pte 14391400
Brayton Samuel Pte 4458353
Brewis James 2/Lt 89565
Brignall Stephen Pte. 4457105
Brittain Norman Evans Pte 4459957
Brolin S Private 4469090
Broughton Robert Harvey 2/Lt 267294
Browell Walter Pte 4459292
Brown Pte 0
Brown A. Pte 3130185
Brown Charles Ernest Pte. 4458399
Brown Ernest Pte. 4459531
Brown Ernest Edward Pte 4454550
Brown George Anthony L/Cpl 6516416
Brown Geo. Fred. Matthew Pte. 4459347
Brown George Henry Pte 4444693
Brown James Pte. 4457120
Brown James Kearney Pte 3133940
Brown John Pte 4455830
Brown J. Private 4458561
Brown Stanley Pte 4272072
Brown Stanley Pte 4469090
Brown William Pte 4447589
Brown William L/Cpl 4264580
Brown William Pte 4446490
Brown William Lyle Capt 74826
Browne John Cassells Lt 89229
Bruce Henry Gerard Pte. 4459296
Bruce James Alexander 2/Lt 138525
Brunskell Robert Cpl 4455496
Brunskill R. CSM 0
Brunton Douglas Pte 3133751
Brunton Robert Pte. 4459348
Bryant Lawrence Frederick Raymond 2/Lt 314194
Bryson Thomas Saunders Pte 3133909
Buckton John Pte 4451679
Bullock Jack Pte 4469137
Bunce Thomas William Sgt 4451956
Burgin Ronald Pte 4458084
Burke Martin Pte 3133752
Burke William Francis Pte 4458427
Burnell Leonard George Pte 4458475
Burns Fred Pte 3133994
Burns James Basil Pte. 4455265
Burns Robert Pte 3133753
Burns Robert Speed Pte 3452456
Burns Thomas Harmon Pte 3133970
Burrows Ritson Pte 4460978
Butcher Peter Douglas Pte 6014885
Butterfield Thomas Bell Pte 4275982
Button Joseph Cpl 4449933
Buzzard Thomas Arthur Pte 4459349
Cairns George Thomas Pte 4459299
Cairns Thomas Lt 138519
Cairns William Carson Pte 3133853
Callaghan L/Cpl 0
Cameron Murdo Pte 3133754
Campbell Angus Ewen Pte 3133879
Campbell Charles C /Sjt 4459564
Campbell Ronald Pte. 4459350
Cantlay James Alexander 2/Lt 138526
Carling W. H. Private 4469077
Carlyon Thomas Private 4459557
Carmichael Frederick Pte 3452451
Carr Elijah Pte 4459550
Carr Ernest Pte. 4459298
Carr George Cpl 4455486
Carr Thomas Pte 3452339
Carr William Leslie Lt 228613
Carr William O. (Cuthbertson?) Cpl 4452659
Carroll John Patrick (Patrick John?) Pte 4459207
Carroll Thomas Pte 4455832
Carson Alexander Docherty Pte 3133941
Carter Alfred Pte 4449155
Cassidy Francis Pte 4458823
Cassley Thomas Wm. Pte 4457123
Caswell Alexander Pte 4461491
Cave Eric Victor Captain/Reverend 101723
Caveney Joseph Pte 4454465
Champkin Everade Bignold L /Cpl 4457735
Chaney J. R. Private 4399477
Chapman Harry Pte 4452356
Charles William James (Billy) Pte 4456430
Chater Alan Pte 4451892
Chatts James Ronald Pte. 4459351
Cheel Leslie Pte. 4459352
Chester John James Pte 4455809
Chilton Allenby Pte 4457135
Chilvers Harry Pte 4459297
Christie George Pte 3133823
Clapham Frederick John Pte 4459353
Clark Dennis Gerald Pte 6847903
Clark Joseph Thomas Sgt 4446236
Clarke James William Colvin Pte 2057683
Clarke Lawrence Raymond, alias Clark Richard Pte 4267988
Clarke Raymond Pte 4451656
Cleary Peter Pte 3132584
Clee William Gordon Pte. 4458548
Cleminson John Henry 2/Lt 240439
Clifford Robert Pte 4453358
Clowes James Pte 3133793
Clyne Alexander Pte 3133880
Coare Frederick Henry Pte 6915445
Coates Tom Pte 4459565
Codd L/Cpl 0
Collie William Dobson Lt (QM) 89443
Collins Jack Pte. 4456124
Collins Joseph Pte 3133995
Collinson James Blagdon Pte 4455245
Colman Stanley Pte. 4457978
Coltman James Pte 4453283
Coltman T. Pte 4459533
Conify Henry Patrick Pte 4459300
Conn Richard Pte 4456214
Connelly Lawrence Matthew RQMS 4436527
Conway Arthur Joseph Pte 6210858
Cook John Huddart Pte. 4459559
Cook Joseph 2/Lt 88693
Cooke Norman Pte. 4459355
Coombe Samuel Thomas Pte 14574619
Coombs John Pte 14206370
Cooper George Pte. 4458296
Cooper Ronald Thomas Captain 130593
Cooper William Pte 4457099
Copeland John Pte 4454716
Cornell Walter Leslie 4455279
Cornwell Thomas Pte 14206276
Cosgrove Daniel Pte. 4459356
Coulthard Walter Laurence Cpl 4454701
Coventry Thomas Pte 4458513
Cowens Edward Pte. 4459357
Cowley Leslie Pte 4459205
Cowley Thomas L/Cpl 4448327
Coxon Joseph Pte 4454554
Craggs Charles Pte 4452355
Craig Richard Newcombe Captain (Chaplain 4th Class) 95722
Craik John Ormston Pte 4459209
Crake James William Pte 4454646
Crampin Charles Pte. 4457101
Cranmer John Pte 4459536
Crann H Corporal 2057050
Cree James Pte 3133794
Cree Sidney Pte 4456122
Crickard Thomas Pte 782709
Critchley Albert Edward Cpl 5680599
Crombie John Pte 3133795
Crooks J Private 14426036
Crow I. Pte 4461713
Croyman Robert Henry L/Cpl 4457976
Crozier Henry Pte 4456152
Cullingworth William Newbold Cpl 4446367
Cummin William Edward L/Sgt 4454632
Cummings Gordon Pte. 4454472
Cummings Jas. Pte 4456217
Cunningham John Summers Pte 3133911
Cunningham Michael Pte 4449732
Currie James Pte 3133855
Currie Thomas Pte 3133942
Currie William Caldwell Pte 3133796
Cusworth Leslie 2/Lt 273855
Cuthbertson Hector Gordon Pte 4454543
Cuthbertson John L/Cpl 4453615
Cuthbertson John Pte 3133997
Dabner Thomas Cyril Wallace Pte 4457133
Dack Harry Rudd Pte 4276055
Dale William Pte 4459358
Dalkin L/Cpl 0
Danby John Pte 4452620
Darlington Thomas Pte 4458502
Darragh Peter Pte 4263470
Darrell John Pte 4459359
Davidson S/Sgt 0
Davies David Lloyd 2/Lt 268206
Davis Alexander Cpl 3133998
Davis M Private 14203126
Davison Herbert Denison Pte. 4452474
Davison James Henry Pte 4271911
Davison John William Pte. 4459360
Davison Joseph Henry Pte 4459361
Davison Raymond Pte 4457144
Dawson Arthur Edwin L/Sgt 1487534
Dawson Francis Yardley Pte 4271723
Dawson James Pte. 4459362
Dawson William Pte 3133856
Day Philip Anston Pte 4458086
Dean George Chambers Pte 4448808
Denholm Robert John Pte 3133943
Denholm Thomas Pte 4460999
Denny William Pte 3133881
Derrick Michael Pte 3133734
Devlin George Pte 4453554
Dickov Albert L/Cpl 3133912
Dickson David Pte 3133797
Dimmelow Bernard Pte 5348692
Ditchburn Alfred L/Cpl 4455833
Dixon John Victor Pte 4454658
Dixon Robert Bagnall Pte 4455504
Dixon Robert Dutney Pte. 4449921
Dobson George Pte 4455490
Dobson Sidney Pte 4444935
Docherty Frank Pte. 4459303
Dodds L/Sgt 0
Dodds J Pte 4454378
Dodds Joseph Pte 4459302
Dodds Robert Pte. 4455684
Dodds Thomas Little M. Pte 4446032
Dolan Ernest Pte. 4453287
Donkin Dixon Pte 4455685
Donohoe James Pte 3133913
Doran William Pte 3133999
Dorian Thomas Henry Pte. 4459532
Douglas James Victor Pte 4459301
Douglass Thomas Arthur Pte 3133944
Dove George Bone Pte. 4456219
Dovernor Dennis Pte 4546811
Dowling John Pte 14206308
Drake P.H. Pte 7632650
Drake Robert 2/Lt 267293
Draper Matthew Pte 4442769
Draper Robert William Cpl 4447032
Dunbar James Pte 3134000
Dunlop Daniel Pte 14574629
Dunlop James Pte 3133857
Dunn Henry Talbot CSM 4338877
Dunn Joseph Pte 4452516
Dunn Thomas Pte 4455834
Dunn Thomas Henry Pte 4452475
Dunn Thomas William Pte. 4459539
Dunnell George Malcolm 2/Lt 138530
Durkin James Pte 4455686
Dyson Robert Stanley 2/Lt 121608
Eade Arthur Pte. 4459304
Earl George Pte 4394818
Earles John George Pte. 4459210
Easten Robert Cooke Pte 4454420
Eastham George Cpl 4279842
Easton William Pte 4456223
Ebdy George Albert Pte 4452741
Eccles Ronald Pte 4459551
Edden John Henry Pte 4458315
Edmenson Charles L/Cpl 4456787
Edwards Albert Pte 4271725
Edwards Henry William Pte. 4459363
Elliott Peter Ridley Pte 4609048
Elliott Robert Kaye Pte 4456222
Elliott T.O'Neill Chaplain 4th Class, Capt 102156
Elliott W Private 4467890
Ellis Thomas Frederick George Captain 102321
Ellison Robert Edward Captain 179846
Elmore Robert Pte. 4454471
Elsey Cpl 0
Elsy Frederick William Steele L/Cpl 4265355
Elvin John Pte 3133946
Elwick Ernest Pte 4458152
Elwick Robert Pte 4455273
Ennis Joscelyn Reed 2/Lt 90765
Etherington Vincent Pte 4459364
Everett Dennis (Denis?) Gordon Pte 14669776
Evitt James Robert Pte. 4459365
Fairhurst Willie Pte 4458077
Fanning-Evans Claude Captain 39613
Farnell Joseph L/Cpl 4461159
Farrelly James Pte 3133914
Fearns James Pte 14206310
Fee James Henry Pte 4454455
Feeney Thomas Joseph Carter Pte. 4459305
Fenton George Lowry Sgt 4448058
Fenwick John Pte 4449512
Ferguson Andrew Sharp Pte 4460132
Ferguson David Sloan Pte 3133825
Ferguson James Pte 3133454
Ferguson R N Pte 4450456
Ferguson William Edward Pte 4266770
Ferry Thomas Matthew Cpl 4449004
Fildes J Pte 14210286
Finegan John Pte 4458500
Finney James Pte. 4458087
Finnigan Joseph L/Sgt 4447663
Fisher Acting L/Sgt 0
Fisher Arthur Pte 3782572
Fisher Mackay Pte 3133826
Fitzpatrick Charles Pte 3133915
Fitzpatrick Elmer J. Lt CDN 146
Flanagan William Pte 3133882
Fleeting Peter Dudgeon Pte 3133916
Fletcher George L /Sgt 4445348
Fletcher James Pte 4454488
Fletcher Joseph Pte. 4454635
Fletcher Philip Pte 4461147
Flynn Stanley Pte 4463960
Ford Thomas Pte 4458319
Ford Thomas Henry Pte 4263878
Ford Wilfred Frank Lt 255812
Ford William Leslie Lt 251616
Fordham George Pte 4455500
Forrest William Prudhoe Sgt 4449582
Forrester Thomas Pte 4442587
Forster Cyril Pte 14206400
Forster Robert Pte 4452622
Forsyth Thomas Pte 6210946
Forsyth Thomas Elliott L /Cpl 4455689
Fort Robert Pte 4456131
Foster Robert Pte 4455495
Fotheringham Robert Pte 3133858
Fouracre John Samuel Pte 4459552
Foweather Cyril Cpl 4458069
Fowler Thomas Edward Pte. 4458443
Fox Leonard Pte 4452868
Fox Thomas Crawford Pte 4453117
France Bertram Cecil Lt 271488
Franciosy (?Fraciosy) Pasquale Pte 4459306
Francis Robert Pte 4461647
Freeman John L/Cpl 4456225
French Andrew Pte 4454483
Frew John Pte 3133883
Fyvie Francis Vernal Pte 3133859
Gaffing Norman Thompson Pte. 4457948
Gainford John Snow Pte 4452877
Gales John Pte 4455485
Galloway Robert Pte 3133972
Gannon Francis Pte 4458325
Garnett Joseph Pte 4455931
Garnham Victor Pte 4455945
Garr John William Pte 4446273
Garven William Wallace Brown Pte 3133973
Gaughan Harold Pte 4458382
Gedge Edward Trevor Pte 14412000
Gee Charles Hilton Rodney Major 24874
Gelley John Pte 4457955
Genes Sidney Pte 6915475
Gibb John Pte 3133974
Gibson John Pte 3133861
Gibson John Robert Pte 14206401
Gilbert Walter Pte 14418103
Gilbey Quinton Holland Lt 120038
Gilhespy John Pte 4457119
Gilhooley Joseph Pte 4459308
Gill Pte 0
Gillan Edward Collins Pte 3133743
Gillespie Joseph Pte 3133798
Gillies Robert Penman Pte 3133757
Gillies William Scott Pte 4456229
Glaister William Pte 4454366
Glancy John William Pte 4440711
Gleason Alfred Alexander C/Sgt 4455243
Glendenning Joseph Wilson Pte 4459307
Glendenning Norman Pte. 4457109
Glister Arthur Pte 5680314
Glover Thomas Pte. 4458454
Godden Tower Charles Pte 4030991
Goldie James (Jnr) Pte 3133758
Goldman Aaron Joseph Captain 254324
Goldson Edward Cpl 4458508
Goodall Harry Pte. 4458081
Gordon Pte 0
Gordon Benjamin L/Cpl 4455692
Gordon Cameron Pte 3133862
Gordon Douglas Sgt 4456130
Gordon Hector McIntosh Pte 3133975
Gordon James Hubert Pte 4032511
Gordon John Pte 4444330
Gordon John Andrew Pte 4464127
Gordon Peter Pte 3133759
Goudie John Pte 3133827
Goundry Henry Pte 1434728
Gradon Leslie Pte 4456128
Graham George Pte 3133884
Graham John Pte 3134003
Graham John Wesley L/Cpl 4268585
Graham Samuel Pte. 4460576
Grant Duncan MacPherson 2/Lt 138532
Grant William Pte 4455272
Grave Allen Alderson Pte. 4457953
Gray David Alexander Major 38822
Gray Hamilton Pte 3133917
Gray Harry Thompson Cpl 4456431
Gray James Pte 3133800
Gray James Cpl. 4454545
Gray John Pte 4454478
Green Reginald Thomas Pte 5347935
Greenan James Pte 3133976
Greengrass Thomas Ferry Pte. 4455946
Greenwood Herbert Pte 4459548
Gregg Harold Pte 4458080
Grevatt Oliver Frederick Pte 5340974
Gribbin Robert Pte 4457957
Grieveson Pte 0
Griffin Colin Frederick George Pte 14664991
Griffin John L/Cpl 14412170
Grix Sidney L/Cpl 4450387
Group D.A. Major 0
Gunnell Kenneth Pte 5342310
Guthrie James Caldour Pte 3133828
Hadden John Henry Palk 2/Lt 121382
Hadfield Harry Pte 4459842
Hadley John Roland Pte 4275995
Hagar Arthur Pte 4455535
Haggarty Hugh Pte 3133829
Hall Alexander Sgt 7041717
Hall Frederick Benjamin Lt 253677
Hall Joseph L /Cpl 4455696
Hall Stanley Edward Sgt 4269843
Hall Thomas Henry Pte 4459534
Hall W.G.J. Pte 4806728
Hall William Pte 4454657
Halliday William Pte 4547243
Hamilton Charles Denis 2/Lt 90293
Hamilton George Pte 4454722
Hammond Frank Peter Pte 14429364
Hampton Robert Lance Sergeant 4469213
Handley L/Cpl 0
Handley Lawrence Pte 4453216
Handy John L/Cpl 4456153
Hanley William Pte 4458337
Hanmer John Michael Major 39635
Harben Sydney Pte 4458083
Harby Gordon Richard Pte 14690034
Harm Robert Pte. 4454557
Harnetty Edward Martin 2/Lt 130980
Harris Joseph Selwyn Pte 5951794
Harris Leonard Pte 5340991
Harrison Cecil L /Cpl 4455953
Harrison Eric Harold L /Cpl 4457991
Harrison Ernest William 2nd Lieutenant 88727
Harrison Frank Pte 4455520
Harrison Frederick L/Cpl 4443226
Harrison George Pte 4459309
Harrison Michael Dakers Pte. 4454636
Harrison Thomas Pte 4455478
Hartley Francis Pte 4035592
Harty John Anthony Pte 4272085
Haslam Thomas Private 4469223
Hastie John Pte 14206282
Hawkins L/Cpl 0
Hay John Pte 4267790
Hay Thomas McReavy (McLeary?) Pte 3133730
Hayes Abel Pte 4458516
Hayes Geoffrey Nigel 2/Lt 256470
Hayton James Pte 4264316
Heal James Pte 4455950
Heal Matthew Pte. 4455693
Heath Charles Douglas Pte 5335124
Heath Joseph Owen Pte 14206193
Heaton Frank Pte 14219211
Heaviside Michael William Sgt 4450388
Hebbert Michael Cyril 2/Lt 228431
Heenan Leslie Andrew William Lt 256471
Henderson Robert Sgt 4443317
Henderson Douglas Pte. 4455458
Henderson Iain Pte 3133863
Henderson William Nicholas Pte 4461027
Hendry John Pte 3133886
Henry Frederick Pte 4450548
Hepple Walter Cpl 4457634
Heslop William Pte 4454712
Hetherington Frank Sergeant 4462963
Hewlett Sidney Clifford Pte 5680756
Hikins Harold Raymond Pte 4458429
Hill Thomas Pte 4458551
Hill William C.S.M. 4441377
Hine William L/Cpl 4267248
Hodgins Bernard Pte 14206342
Hodgson John Joseph L/Cpl 4445679
Hodgson Sidney Pte. 4459312
Hoggard Kenneth 2/Lt 268955
Holland James William Sgt 7782395
Holliday John Pte 4457959
Hollinshead W J Pte 14425353
Holloway Albert Ridley Lt 261768
Holmes George Henry Pte 4457128
Holmes John Pte 4458910
Holmes William Pte 4456147
Hopewell James William Pte 4456232
Hopkin Norman Pte 4453352
Hopps William Pte 4457803
Houston George Davis Pte 3133977
Howarth George Pte 4458480
Howe William Pte. 4453285
Howell Eric Hughes 2/Lt 174485
Howie James Pte 3134006
Howie William Pte 3133978
Hudspeth Joseph Armstrong Pte. 4454650
Hughes Albert Pte 4455477
Hume James Pte 3133865
Humphreys R.B. Capt 64658
Humphries Sidney 2/Lt 130030
Hunt Roy Cpl 4469237
Hunter John Pte 3133802
Hunwick Charles Henry Pte 4453490
Hurst William John Cpl 4450304
Husband William Allan 2/Lt 94887
Hutchinson Ernest Pte 4459310
Hutchinson George William Pte 4455286
Hutchinson John Pte 4456141
Hutchinson Matthew Benjamin C.S.M. 4443697
Hutchinson Norman Sgt 4455445
Hyde E Pte 4461183
Ibbotson Horace Pte 4608414
Iley Robert Pte 4451963
Ingram Luke Pte. 4455954
Ivory Michael Pte 3133979
Jackson George Pte 4455287
Jackson James Pte 4458709
Jackson John Henry Pte 4275681
Jackson Robert Thomas Pte 4460153
Jackson William Arthur Pte 4462128
Jago Stanley Herbert Pte 3133678
James Frederick George Pte 5680758
James Leslie Pte 4270786
James William Allan Lieutenant (Canloan) 165
Jamieson John. Pte 3129501
Janes Victor George Pte 4458409
Jefferson James William Pte 4455288
Jemison William Cpl 4455289
Jenkins Samuel Branch Pte 3133918
Jennings George Joseph Pte 4453614
John Coates Pte. 4459354
Johnson Frederick Edward Pte 6848496
Johnson John Private 4454538
Johnson John Pte 4460237
Johnson Joseph Pte 4459313
Johnson Joseph Edwin Lieutenant 165875
Johnson Louis Pte 4458553
Johnson Oliver Denn Lt 292012
Johnson Patrick Adams 2/Lt 89696
Johnson Robert Pte. 4455804
Johnson Roy Pte 4457956
Johnson Watson W. Pte. 4455290
Johnson William Cpl 4455537
Johnston Samuel Pte 4264333
Johnston William Pte 3133803
Johnstone John Trayner Pte 3134007
Johnstone Kenneth Correze 2/Lt 91767
Jones Arthur George Pte 5334998
Jones Eric Pte 4458316
Jones Joseph W. Pte 4455697
Jones Leonard Stanley Pte 4458531
Jones R Private 14579296
Jordan Fergus Pte 4452587
Joyce J.J. Pte 7614039
Joyce Peter Bell L/Cpl 4276086
Keegan Thomas Pte 3248662
Keenan Matthew Pte. 4455839
Keiling John Smith Pte 3593110
Kellett John Ryerson 2/Lt 269445
Kelly Peter McFarlane Lt 128567
Kent William Pte 3133948
Kerr Walter McKendrick Pte 3133949
Keymer Bernard Rudolf 2/Lt 124220
Kidd Merrick Athelstan 2/Lt 117993
Killian Henry Pte 4455502
Killian Thomas Pte. 4455494
King Arthur Leonard Pte 4264662
King John James Cpl 4457136
Kingston Robert Charles 2/Lt 268807
Kirby James L/Cpl 4458470
Kirk Thomas Marley 2/Lt 189534
Kirkbride John Pte 4452455
Kirkup William Brookes Lt 73651
Knight Frank Ernest Pte 5347615
Knowles Frank Allen Pte 4462215
Knowles William Henry Pte 4458538
Knowlson George Pte. 4454733
Knowlson Joseph Pte 4454629
Knox Henry Pte 4270667
Knox Ronald Pte 3133804
Krokofsky (Alias Hay) Eli Pte 4462098
Kuhn Richard Oscar Pte 3133919
Laing Norman Leslie Weston Pte 4459317
Lamb Bertram Corporal 4466998
Lambert John Pte 3133805
Lambert Leslie Charles Pte 4461963
Lancashire Joseph Pte 4461982
Lane John James Pte 4461983
Lane Patrick Pte 4462153
Lang Thomas Melville Capt 87009
Langley Wallace Arthur Pte. 4455473
Langton William Pte 4459315
Lanyon Joseph Pte 4461964
Large Harold Edward Pte. 4458472
Launce Thomas Jack Pte 4462155
Laundry William Richard Wallace Pte 14671136
Laverick Colin Bateman Pearson Pte 4455468
Law Harold Kitchener Pte 4462327
Lawless John Robert Pte 4462188
Lawn Arthur William Lamason Captain 122768
Lawrence Frederick William George 2/Lt 267296
Lawrenson Harold James Pte. 4459395
Lawson Anthony Bryce Pte 4454487
Lawson John Hughes Pte 4445646
Lawton Thomas Sgt 4441604
Lazarus Allan Frederick Lt 243110
Lea Robert William Pte 4458422
Leach Albert Pte 4459314
Leah Charles Henry Pte 4458323
Ledger Leonard Pte 4458071
Lee Fred Pte 4461985
Lee John Pte 4458532
Lee-Graham Louis Pippin 2/Lt 174490
Leigh John Pte 4461984
Leighton John Pte 4457958
Leiper Charles Pte 553340
Lennon James William Pte. 4458425
Leonard Henry C/Sgt 4457689
Leslie Albert Pte 4454731
Levy Maurice Pte 4461562
Lewis D.M. Sgt Instructor 3967031
Liddell James Pte 4275174
Lievesley Thomas Pte 4462272
Lindsay Joseph Pte. 4459316
Lipin R.L. CSM 0
Little C/Sgt 0
Lloyd John Raymond 2/Lt 176396
Loader E. W. Private 14665007
Lobley James Alan Pte 14276402
Lock George Pte 4462273
Lockey William B. Pte 4455699
Lodge Harry Pte 14412825
Loftus James Sylvester Pte 4461563
Loggie Robert Baird Pte 3133764
Lomas Roy John Lawford Pte 4458401
Lomax Robert Pte 4462304
Looney Robert Pte 4462129
Lorimer Frank Pte 4461988
Loughton Thomas D. Pte 4457117
Low John Maj 73172
Lowe Horace Pte 4461565
Lowery George Sgt 4447017
Lownds Ronald Edwin Pte 4461564
Lowrie Edward Pte 4457137
Lowthorp Harold Frederick Victor Pte 5347866
Lumley F Lance Corporal 4453673
Lyell Alan Captain 254619
Lyle George Pte 3133981
Lyons James Pte 4462328
Lyth John Pte 4454231
Macauley Norman Pte 14412009
MacCann Francis Pte 3133887
MacDonald Frank Pte 4458390
MacKay William L/Cpl 3133766
MacKenzie Alexander Pte 3133920
Mackie George Frederick Lewis Pte 4451770
Mackie Thomas Pte 4461568
Madden Andrew Pte. 4454710
Maddison G. H. Private 14550135
Maguire George William Pte. 4458512
Mains George Cpl 4336862
Mains Joseph C/Sgt 4459556
Mair William Scroggis Pte 3133810
Malam Frederick Dennis Pte 4462247
Malcolm John Pte 4456239
Malcolm Walter Pte 2876074
Mallam Alfred James Pte. 4457140
Mallon Thomas (W.J) Pte 4458400
Malloy John Pte 3133984
Manning L.S. Lt 0
Manning Thomas Pte 4458285
March Thomas Pte 4451763
Margach Peter Clark Pte 3133769
Marks Lionel Pte 4459318
Marlow Bewley Pte. 4454727
Marney Leslie Thomas L/Cpl 5669301
Marsden James Anthony Pte 4462039
Marsey William Cpl 4448500
Marsh Geoffrey Pte 4462022
Marsh Paul Pte 4462184
Marshall Arthur Pte 4264389
Martin Francis Richard Merrison Lt 62303
Martin George Henry Pte. 4458298
Martin William Pte 4455707
Martindale John Huggons Pte 4462156
Mashtab Sam Pte 4461571
Mason Frederick Sergeant 4462490
Mason Frederick Thomas Pte 4459533
Mason William McLaren Captain 211833
Massam Thomas Joseph Pte 4458338
Massey John Pte 4461572
Matfin Robert Pte 4467959
Mather George Ernest Pte 4458340
Matthews James Pte 4457121
Matthews Reginald Pte 4457114
Maughan Ernest E. Pte 4457118
Mawson James Alex CSM 4446995
Mayo Thomas Pte 4462338
Mayoh Robert Marsden Pte 4462157
Mayor William Pte 4462275
McAloon John James Pte 4454480
McArthur John Pte 3133982
McCall John George Sgt 4263938
McCall Thomas Pte 3133888
McCallum William Smith Pte 3133806
McCann Charles Pte 3133830
McCartney John Pte 3133727
McClellan Ronald Pte 4462078
McClung John Gilbert Pte 3133807
McCluskey Patrick Pte 3133921
McComb William Pte 3133983
McConkey Matthew Findlay Pte 3133951
McConnell James Muir Pte 3133808
McCormack Alexander Lance Sergeant 3133831
McDonald Wilfred Pte 4275479
McDonough Francis Martin C/Sgt 4263912
McDowall Robert Pte 3133832
McEvoy George Herbert Pte 4461990
McEwan John Sime Pte 3133892
McEwen (?McEwan) Harold Pte 4462101
McFadyen Thomas Pte 3133953
McFarlane Andrew Pte 3133893
McGarry Andrew Pte 3133728
McGeachie Francis Pte 3133894
McGowan John Pte 3133923
McGowan John Mitchell Pte 4454652
McGregor Henry Pte 3133895
McIlwraith Walter Forsyth Pte 3133765
McIntyre Hugh Gibson Morton Pte 3133955
McJannett Fred Pte 4461619
McKay Ernest Pte 4462274
McKechnie John Pte 3133809
McKee A Private 5680285
McKeever Walter Pte 4461569
McKeown Alexander Pte 4457115
McKevitt Terence Pte 4458498
McKinnes Robert Pte 3133767
McLaren-Mason William Captain 211833
McManus Patrick Pte 3133896
McMeiken Archibald L/Cpl 4455709
McMichael William Fisher Lt 162659
McMillan William Pte 3133740
McMorland Albert Pte 3133833
McNamara Ralph Pte 4463721
McNgood D. Lt 242
McNicol James Murray 2/Lt 143395
McParlin Robert Dixon Turner Pte 4455849
McSherry Thomas Pte 4462021
Meakin (A.) Charles Pte 4453698
Mercer Frank Pte 4462024
Mercer Harold Edward Pte 4461640
Merritt Harry Reginald Pte 4456096
Merryweather Henry Reginald Cockaigne 2/Lt 311482
Metcalf James Robert Pte 4459319
Metcalf Joseph Pte 4462217
Metcalfe Arthur Pte 4454408
Metcalfe Thomas Eric 2/Lt 193861
Middleton Charles William Pte 4461795
Middleton George Thomas Pte 4458076
Middleton Philip Pte 4461573
Milburn Morrison Cpl 4449254
Milburn Nicholas Pte. 4444668
Millar Robert Brown Pte 3133770
Miller William Alexander Pte 3134011
Milligan David Pte 3134012
Milligan George Pte 3133835
Milligan William Pte 3133957
Millner James Pte 4458477
Mills Lawrence Sgt 4445161
Milner Reuben Thompson Pte. 4455704
Minto John Clement Pte 4456099
Mitchell James Pte 3133836
Mitchell John Pte 3133958
Moffatt Robert Pte 3133897
Moffett Thomas Hewitson Pte 4453373
Moir Thomas Buchanan Private 4459320
Mollon Harold William Pte 4459549
Mollon John Brown Pte 4459928
Molyneux Arthur Pte. 4458324
Montgomery Thomas Pte 4461991
Moody Cpl 0
Moon Humphrey 2/Lt 95652
Moon Thomas Bourne Pte 4457131
Mooney William Pte 4462100
Mooney William Miller Pte 4462248
Moore Arnold Pte 3133898
Moore Charles Abe Pte 4462305
Moore Sydney Pte 4454484
Moores Samuel Pte 4462131
Moores Vernon Pte 4461575
Moran Frank Pte 4265845
Morgan Sidney Pte. 4455239
Morley John Pte 4453309
Morley Richard Pte 4461051
Morrell William Pte. 4454547
Morris David Llewellyn Capt 41391
Morris Edward Pte 4456238
Morris Thomas William Pte. 4454468
Morrison Hugh Pte 3133985
Morrison John Graham 2nd Lieutenant 117996
Morrison William Pte 3133771
Morrow James L/Cpl 4268883
Mortimer George William L/Cpl 4453043
Morton Edward Pte. 4455295
Morton Thomas Pte 4461965
Moscrop Edward 2/Lt 117997
Mottershead Harry Pte 4461966
Mottram Robert Edward Pte 4462025
Moulton Henry Pte 4462185
Mount Ernest Pte 6848417
Mounter Charles L /Cpl 4456241
Muir Robert Cuthbertson Pte 3133837
Muir Thomas Buchanan L /Cpl 4459320
Mulhern Henry Brendon Pte 3133926
Mullen Joseph Pte 4454654
Munford Alexander Frank 2/Lt 138537
Murchie Duncan Kitchener Pte 3133959
Murden William R. Cpl 4458357
Murphy John Pte 4457691
Murphy Joseph Pte 4462329
Murray 2/Lt 0
Murray - Shireff Bruce Godwen Major 169214
Murray George Badenock Lt 189527
Murray James Aird Pte 3132607
Murray John Pte 4461576
Murray Peter Michael Pte 4461993
Murray Vivian Bernard 2/Lt 138538
Nattrass John Pte. 4457037
Neeve Herbert Anthony C.S.M. 4443022
Neill Gerard Pte 4462186
Neill William Davison (?Dorrian) Pte 3133812
Nelson Andrew Murray Pte 3133899
Nelson Joseph Albert Pte 4445205
Nelson Thomas Raymond Pte 4453023
Nesbitt John George William Pte 4455259
Newport Edward Selwyn 2/Lt 96393
Newsome Albert Pte 4267147
Newton Chas Rowlands Sgt 4456092
Newton Percival Lionel Pte 4461058
Newton Robert Pte 4459321
Nicholls George Pte 4458074
Nicholson David Thompson Lance Corporal 4454637
Nicholson James Baker 2/Lt 90798
Nicholson Leonard Pte 6914910
Nicol Robert Pte 3133960
Nield Raymond Coffey Pte 4462027
Norman James Ivan Pte 4276100
Norman John W. Pte 4455712
Norris James Pte 3133838
Norris William Thomas George Pte 5341739
North Edgar Pte 4461173
Notman Robert 2/Lt 189532
Oakes Victor Pte 4461174
O'Connor Charles Pte 3133928
O'Connor Michael L /Cpl 4456245
O'Connor Peter Pte 3133773
O'Donnell Michael Pte 4459553
Ogilvie John Pte 3133868
O'Hare John Aloysius Pte 4463731
O'Hare Joseph Pte 4461577
Oldham Harold Cpl 4461578
Oliver George Pte 4455479
Oliver Robert Pte 4459324
Oliver Robinson Pte 4455539
Ord Francis George Pte 4459530
Ord Ronald Pte. 4455501
Ormston Alfred Charles Sgt 4451527
Ormston Frederick George Pte 4459323
Orr Joseph Charles Pte 4461968
Osborne Joseph Frederick Pte 4458085
Oswald George Pte 4459322
O'Toole John Pte 4462276
Ousey Philip Pte 4462330
Oxberry Robert Dickinson Pte 4461063
Oxnard William Pte 4457314
Pace Albert William Pte 6024829
Packard Henry Pte 7586917
Page George Alfred Pte 4462277
Pallister Lionel Keith Captain 176397
Park Angus McLachlan Pte 3134013
Parker John Dawson Sergeant 4452626
Parkin Henry Pte 4457130
Parkinson David Fortune Lt 249220
Parrington Frederick Charles Pte 4462159
Parry John Temple Private 4279838
Partington Joseph Pte 4462160
Parton Thomas Pte 4457666
Paterson James Lorimer Pte 3133775
Patrick James Pte 3133776
Patten Walter Pte 4461580
Patterson Ernest Pte 4456168
Patterson James Pte 4455446
Patterson John Quayle Kirkbride Pte 4462218
Patterson Norman Pte 4275596
Patton John Peter Pte 4267386
Payne Arthur Pte 5127645
Peacock Harry Pte. 4458078
Pearce Ernest Pte 4274974
Pearson John Henry Captain 176392
Pearson Norman Ramsbottom Pte 4462104
Pearson William Pte 4450509
Peary Robert Kirton Pte 4459537
Peck John Henry Pte 4468859
Peers Ernest Abel L/Cpl 4458525
Peet Richard Montague 2/Lt 268208
Pennell John William Pte 4457147
Perceval-Maxwell G.H.A. Lt 27242
Percival John Bithell Pte 4462161
Percival Thomas Pte.. 4458444
Percival William Adey Cpl 4459218
Perkins Leslie Victor Pte 4461617
Perrott Frederick Vernon Phair Captain 116578
Perry Reginald James Pte 4461581
Peters Frederick Pte 4462306
Peverley Henry Adam Pte 4457947
Pexton David Lowell Sgt 4443103
Phillips Harry Pte 4462219
Phillips Peter Travis 2/Lt 281665
Philliskirk Michael 4457124
Philpott Ronald Augustus Pte 5347656
Picken William Pte 3133869
Pickering Frederick R. Pte 4457113
Pickup Harry Colin Pte 4458838
Pigford George Pte 4457129
Pitt Robert Stewart Pte 3133733
Plaxton Herbert Reginald Pte 4461069
Poett Joseph Howard Nigel Lt Col 38346
Poole George Arthur CSM 4443742
Porteous Gerald Pte. 4459325
Portman Colin L/Cpl 4458072
Powell George James Lt (QM) 143879
Powton Thomas Pte 4275576
Pratt C. Pte 4461917
Prestidge Victor A. 2/Lt 117998
Preston William Pte 4462220
Price Sgt 0
Price Vincent Pte 4462187
Price Wilfred Norman Lt 4035943 and 243111
Prior Francis Charles Pte 5341671
Pritchard Sydney Pte 4456317
Pullan Edward Cpl 4461176
Punton Edward John Pte 4273845
Purdey Richard Lt CDN 278
Purvis Robert Pte 4269230
Puzzar Arthur Pte 4462308
Radbourne William Charles Pte 5337386
Ramshaw George Pte. 4456249
Ratcliffe Fred Pte 4461582
Rawson Harold Pte 4462279
Rawsthorne Ralph Pte 4462340
Ray Charles Pte 14598167
Raybourne Reginald John Pte 5339221
Reay Benjamin Pte. 4455959
Reay George Arthur Pte. 4456250
Reay Norman William Sgt 4266558
Redman John Pte 4461584
Reed Walter Pte 4458093
Reed Wilfred Bainbridge Pte 4454359
Rees Arthur Wyn Sgt 4458336
Rees Ewart John Kenvyn Lt 253654
Reeve John Pte 4455719
Renwick Frederick Pte 4462047
Rhead Alfred Thomas Leslie Pte 4461583
Richardson James Pte 827740
Richardson John Thomas Pte 4457952
Richardson Robert Henry Pte 4455720
Richardson W. Pte
Richardson William James Pte 4462280
Riches Ernest Albert L/Cpl 4446329
Richmond John Brown Pte 3133777
Rickaby William Bellamy Pte 4275551
Rickerby Arthur Pte 4455453
Ridgeway 2/Lt 0
Ridgley Walter Pte 4461586
Ridley Patrick George Cpl 4443520
Rigby Cyril Darwin Pte 4461971
Rigby Edward Pte 4462249
Rigby James William Pte 4457098
Riley Joseph Albert Pte 4461587
Roberts Moses Pte. 4452942
Roberts Alan Richard Robert Pte 4462250
Roberts Samuel Pte 4457145
Roberts Sidney Pte 4458416
Roberts Thomas Joseph Pte 4458428
Robertson Andrew 2/Lt 156767
Robinson Alex. Cpl 4454718
Robinson Arthur Pte 4455492
Robinson Frederick Charles Pte 4462029
Robinson James Frederick Pte 4454713
Robinson John Pte 5883211
Robinson John James Pte 4448542
Robinson Joseph Cpl 4457056
Robinson Joseph Richardson Pte 4461177
Robinson Richard Cpl 4450537
Robinson Robert Cecil Pte 4461588
Robinson Thomas William Pte 4267270
Robinson Wilfred Allen Cpl 4455538
Robinson William Sgt 4457149
Robson Charles Pte 4457126
Robson Ernest Pte 4457977
Robson Henry Pte 4461085
Robson Joseph Pte 4459283
Robson John Thomas Pte 4266781
Rochester William Turnbull CSM 4447931
Rockett John Rundle Pte. 4455958
Rodger James Anderson 2/Lt 90804
Rodger Thomas Pte 3133961
Rodgers William Pte 4265237
Rodham Charles 2/Lt 165878
Rogers (?Rodgers) Robert Gibbons Pte 4459284
Rogers Guy O'Connor Lieutenant Colonel 0
Rogerson Robert L/Cpl 3133986
Roney Norman Pte. 4459326
Rooke Kenneth Cecil Pte 4460151
Routledge John Ronald Anderson Pte 4455841
Rowan Robert Henry Pte 6024861
Rowe Cyril Desmond Cpl 4461625
Rowell Thomas Henry 2/Lt 89754
Rowlands Cyril Pte 4462251
Rowntree Frederick Sgt 4445167
Roxborough Alexander Pte 4455299
Roxby Wilfred Taylor Pte. 4456090
Ruane Thomas Pte 4462190
Ruddock Charles Henry Victor Pte 4458407
Ruscoe Thomas Ernest Pte 4462310
Rushworth Eric Pte 4461589
Rutherford William Thomson Pte 3132308
Rutter James Sgt 4455256
Ryan Thomas Sgt 4453308
Saltzberg Victor Pte 6915383
Salvona Joseph (aka William Bates) Pte 3134021
Samples Thomas Maurice Pte 4461590
Samuels Edward Pte 4461591
Sandars Francis Wyld Major 27399
Sanderson John Francis Lt 219960
Sanderson John Pte 4455320
Sanderson Thomas Pte 4461178
Savage Harvey Douglas Pte 4462132
Savage Jack Pte 4462282
Saville Colin Pte 4458068
Sayce Kenneth John 2/Lt 226614
Sayers Alfred Miller Pte. 4454640
Scales Edward George Cpl 6296364
Scane T.G. Pte 4466043
Schofield William Pte 4462163
Scorar John Pte 4459327
Scott Pte 0
Scott Herbert Pte 4458483
Scott James Pte 3134014
Scott John Edward Pte 4439618
Scott Robert Ball Pte 4455255
Scott Ronald Pte 4458070
Scott William Pte 4454546
Sebag-Montefiore Eric Cecil Major 15336
Seddon Walter Pte 4462221
Seghini Felice Pte 4275566
Sharp Thomas Pte 3133780
Sharples John Rfn 4462048
Shaw Alfred Pte. 4458649
Shaw T Lance Corporal 4468640
Shaw William Ernest Pte. 4458365
Sheehan Rev. Captain 0
Shepherd John L/Cpl 4456251
Sherratt Frank Pte 4461593
Sherrington William Cpl 4452506
Shields David Sgt 4447091
Shields James Pte 3133814
Shipley Alan Reginald Wallace Capt 42023
Shotton Tom Cpl 4455808
Shovlin Joseph Thomas Pte 4457134
Sim Duncan W. Pte 3133988
Simmons James H Pte. 4457100
Simms Francis Pte 4459718
Simpson Robert Pte 4455469
Simpson Telfer Pte 4461102
Sims Harry Edgar Pte 4461595
Sinclair George Murdock Lt 270080
Singleton Charles Reginald Pte 4460156
Skeock (?Skeoch) L/Cpl 0
Skinner Harry Pte 3783359
Slater Peter Pte 4456085
Slater Richard Pte 4455960
Slater Robert Innes Pte. 4456254
Slinn Robert Arthur Pte 4458091
Smallwood Charles Alfred 2/Lt 88785
Smart Andrew Pte 3133839
Smith A.R.T. Pte 7634070
Smith Albert Pte 389253
Smith Amos Cooper Pte 4462042
Smith Eric Pte 4461596
Smith George Herbert Pte 4461607
Smith Harold Wilson Pte 4460217
Smith Henry Pte 4457663
Smith Henry M. Pte 4457108
Smith James Pte 4456084
Smith James McIntyre Pte 3133870
Smith James Morrison Pte 3133871
Smith John Sidney L/Cpl 4454512
Smith Laurence Leslie Pte 4275490
Smith Lawrence Pte 4459329
Smith Robert David McCubbin L/Sgt 3133962
Smith Robert W. Cpl. 4455722
Smith William Henry Cpl 5768863
Smith William John Pte 4458354
Smith William McCulloch Pte 3133840
Smithson Maurice L /Cpl 4448428
Snedden David Pte 3133873
Snowball Edward L/Cpl 4449488
Snowdon Edward Isaac Cpl 4468523
Somerville (?Somm..e) George Shadwell (?Caldwell) Pte 2982216
Somerville Hugh Jack Pte 3133929
Sopwith Ivan Gerald 2/Lt 117084
Soulsby Frank Pte. 4454651
Soulsby Matthew Barnes Pte 4456149
Soutar Hugh Pte 3134015
Souter Richard Pte 4455726
Southern Francis Dodds Pte 4461104
Southworth Walter Ronald Pte 4461599
Sparks Ronald Josiah Pte 4460370
Speirs William Dunlop Pte 3133342
Spence Andrew Pte 4459328
Spence Walter Pte 4461180
Sprague Richard Patrick Hope Lt CDN 199
Sproul John Pte 3133930
Stafford John Pte 4457142
Stansfield William Henry Pte 4460167
Staples Edward Bdsm 4459542
Stark John Mack. Pte 3133931
Steel Richard Pte 4462046
Steele Hugh Pte 3133990
Stephenson Donald Francis 2/Lt 233296
Stephenson George Pte 4456083
Stephenson Robert Pte 4456081
Stevens Henry James Pte 6019274
Stewart Benjamin Pte 4458310
Stewart William Robert Sgt 4449026
Stirrat Quintin Aird Pte 3133781
Stokes Joseph Pte 4458090
Stollberg Samuel Pte 4460947
Stone Charles L/Cpl 4458187
Stone John Pte 4458438
Storar Thomas Cpl 4456256
Storey Herbert Pte 4461181
Stothard James Pte. 4457112
Stothert William Pte 4460464
Stott Roy Pte 4461999
Stout John Christopher Pte 4444371
Strachan William Black Pte 3133874
Stratton Frederick William Pte. 4457146
Street James L/Cpl 4462000
Strickland Ernest Newton 2/Lieut. 153378
Strother Robert Pte 4455729
Stuart Francis Dempster Pte 3133345
Studham Joseph Cpl 867259
Suddes Robert Sgt 4443918
Summers John Albert Pte 4455512
Summers Reginald Francis Pte 5680236
Sumner John Francis Marie Major 0
Sutherland Christopher Pte 4457106
Sutherland Robert Pte. 4454655
Swainston Robert Pte 4454470
Sweeney Arthur Pte 3133932
Sweeney Peter King Pte 4267468
Sykes Henry Lloyd Pte 3133902
Sykes Sydney Pte 4462001
Tait James 2/Lt 148616
Talbot James Weedy Pte 4459331
Tannock Robert McFarlane Pte 3133782
Taylor Alfred C/Sgt 4452205
Taylor Edward John Pte 14206296
Taylor F. Captain 0
Taylor George Edward WOII (C S M) 5246046
Taylor Henry Pte 4337560
Taylor Peter Henry Riley Lt 255747
Taylor Thomas Sgt 4455732
Taylor Thomas Pte 4458276
Taylor Thomas Charles L/Cpl 4457139
Taylorson Harry Pte 4453029
Teasdale Matthew Pte 4460713
Telford Sydney Pte. 4454489
Temperton Arthur Cpl 4533288
Tempest John Pte 4456320
Temple Joseph Pte 4462002
Thomas Ernest Sergeant 4443505
Thomas Gwynne Oliver 2/Lt 251451
Thomlinson William Taggart Pte 3134018
Thompson Alfred 2/Lt 292736
Thompson Charles Baines AKA Baines Charles Alfred Cpl 4445764
Thompson David Henry Pte 4462003
Thompson John Pte 4459333
Thomson Frank Cyril Pte 1692597
Thomson John Pte 3133963
Thomson Thomas Stewart Pte 3133841
Thomson William Pte 4457097
Thorburn James Pte 3133815
Thornton George Pte 4461602
Thornton James Cuthbert Cpl 4450410
Thornton Peter Pte 4443738
Thornton William James Pte 5382907
Thwaites Fisher Pte 4461973
Timmins James (?) Pte 4454405
Tingle John Samuel Cpl 4443232
Tiplady Ronald L/Cpl 4452858
Tobin John Pte 14206328
Todd Harry Pte. 4458366
Tomlinson Anthony Pte 4459558
Tomlinson Frederick Herbert Pte 4457986
Toner Neil Joseph Pte 4454544
Topham John William L/Sgt 4384619
Topham Thomas Walter Sergeant 4466308
Townsend George Eugine Atherton Pte 6213268
Trail John Harman Lt 90600
Trevett John Pte 14206211
Trotter Edward Henry Pte 4270644
Trotter William Preston Wilson L/Cpl 4459330
Troupe George William Lt 180307
Troupe Leslie Clement 2/Lt 247059
Truesdale Henry Pte 3133842
Tunnicliffe R. Pte 4462031
Turnbull George Pte 4460721
Turnbull James Pte 4445780
Turner Charles William Pte 5339649
Turner George Simpson Pte 3133903
Turpin Robert Barker Thornton C/Sgt 4384644
Tyler Felix Francis Pte 4460302
Unsworth Jack G. Pte 4455236
Unsworth James Pte 4462038
Unsworth Ralph Pte 4455542
Vernon Joseph Sands Pte 4455464
Vernon William Hector L/Sgt 4453006
Vest Charles Frederick Pte 4453696
Vincent George Pte 3133934
Vowles L Private 14579376
Waddell Samuel Sneddon Pte 3133783
Waggott Harry 2/Lt 86523
Waggott Joseph Pte 4456262
Waistell William Hugh Capt 71199
Wait Ernest Murray Craigmile 2/Lt 129959
Wales James Pte 4455534
Walkden William Pte 4276017
Walker Alfred C /Sgt 4439699
Walker Cyril Pte 4461603
Walker Frank Pte 14569343
Walker Hector Pte 3133843
Walker Thomas Barron 2/Lt 138522
Walker Thos. Henry Pte 4456261
Walker William Pte 4456263
Wallace Horace Pte 4271357
Wallace James Pte 3316849
Wallace Robert Pte 3133816
Walton Clarence Pte 4462032
Walton Francis Collins Pte 4460728
Walton J. Pte 4455483
Wappett L Private 4466318
Ward Andrew Pte 3133784
Ward Francis Joseph Pte 4461605
Ward Nicholas Pte 4455734
Ward Thomas A. Pte 14206212
Wardman Jack Cpl 4453214
Ware Richard Fenwick Major 1738
Warrener Thomas Pte 4443044
Waterhouse Victor Pte 4462033
Watson Ernest Pte 4444716
Watson Hamilton Pte 3133785
Watson Thomas Pte 4459334
Waugh Thomas Byng Pte 4275462
Webb John Pte 3133844
Webster John Edward Pte 4459335
Weiner (alias Warner) Abraham Arthur Pte 4461606
Weiner Henry Pte 4461612
Weir Robert Pte 3133817
Weir Thomas L/Cpl 3133845
Welford John 2/Lt 75921
Welford Joseph Pte 4267131
Welsh George AKA Dolby R.Q.M.S 4440272
Westray Reginald Arthur 2/Lt 93168
Whatley Oliver Sgt 4445452
Wheatman David Pte. 4455303
White Frank Pte 4464676
White G. 2/Lt 0
White Robert Cecil Pte 4272376
White Robert William Pte 4268052
Whitehead Noel Pte 4461609
Whittaker Alan 2/Lt 138542
Wildeman George Arthur Corporal 4448694
Wilkinson John Robert Pte 4454644
Williams Alfred Pte 4458317
Williams George Owen Pte 4458046
Williams Leslie Pte 4462034
Williams Willie Meirion Pte 6024930
Williamson Edward Pte 4461611
Williamson Thomas Pte 3133846
Wills Frank Pte 5671369
Willson Francis Cecil Cordial Pte 4256087
Wilson Alexander Pte 3134019
Wilson Alexandre Avery Pte. 4455848
Wilson Benjamin Pte 4455305
Wilson Charles Pte 3133904
Wilson Frederick Pte 14579391
Wilson Hugh Alexander McClean Pte 4459538
Wilson John Pte 3133905
Wilson John Pte 3133875
Wilson Joseph L/Cpl 4447706
Wilson Joseph CSM 4448376
Wilson Thomas Berkerley Pte. 4455306
Wilson William Henry Pte 4455812
Wilton Thomas Edward Pte 4461138
Winlow George Cpl 4457122
Winship R.G. Lt 206
Winter Cyril Godfrey Lt 71438
Winter James Henry Pte. 4454717
Wintrip Norman Thynne Pte. 4454410
Winwood Joseph Pte 4447643
Witchalls John Harry Pte 6915415
Witherspoon John William Cpl 4454653
Wood Geoffrey Beardall Lt 176401
Wood Geoffrey Emmerson 2/Lt 92170
Wood James Rogers Pte 4034563
Wood John Cpl 4449766
Wood Norman Pte 4451286
Wood William Dent Pte 4276154
Woodhead Fred L/Cpl 3133739
Woods Matthew Pte 3133847
Woods Norman Cpl 4449482
Woods Peter Joseph Pte 4458559
Wootten Charles Ernest Pte 5348412
Wormald Jack Pte 3133738
Worrall John Pte 4461613
Wright Cpl 0
Wright Frank Pte 4455235
Wright Jack Pte 6024793
Wright John Pte. 4459453
Wright Joseph Alan Pte 4459285
Wright Thomas Cpl 4461614
Wright Wilfred Wallace Pte 3133876
Wrightson George Pte 4268525
Wycherley William Henry Pte 4462004
Wylie Hugh Pte 4457125
Wynn Leonard Lieutenant 240692
Yates George Pte 4458279
Yorke David Garnett Downing Lt 253705
Young A.C. 2/Lt 0
Young A W Private 6851376
Young Frank L /Cpl 4455544
Young Frank Joseph Pte 4271300
Young Horatio Kitchener Pte 4275935
Young James Dixon Pte 4457094
Young Richard Leishman Pte 3133787
Young Thomas Sgt 4445685